Hello, and welcome to part two of Things I Have Stuffed Through - TopicsExpress


Hello, and welcome to part two of Things I Have Stuffed Through the Hole In My Face. Today I awoke to the dulcet tones of my daughter, instructing me Dont wipe my nose Mummy, I want to EAT my bogies! If thats not enough to suppress a persons appetite, I dont know what is. For breakfast, we went to the local gentrified cafe. It was full of kids called Alfalfa and Pomegranate, and weary mothers snapping Archie, dont put your foot in the houmous! Then it was off to Greenwich, to see lovely Mark Duwe and feed dozens of squirrels. They were so tame, they would eat walnuts off our palms (see photo of Lily) and one ran up Marks body onto his shoulder! We also saw deer grazing, fed geese and spied a parakeet. I fell in love with a gorgeous navy lace dress in one of Greenwichs dress shops (see photo). It was on sale at £35, so I decided to buy the smallest size as an incentive, to wear after I reach my target weight of 7 stone 7lbs. Do you have this in an extra-small? I asked the assistant. She looked me up and down, and I could tell she was thinking Poor deluded woman - she really thinks shes an extra-small! Back at home, Nick Dastoor came round and I forced him to take a before picture of me in my bikini. (I mean, I was wearing the bikini. I wouldnt force Nick to wear it, though I would let him if he really wanted to.) And now, the bit you havent been waiting for... Weight: 9 stone 13lbs (target weight: 7 stone 7lbs) Loss since yesterday: 2lbs Total left to lose: 2 stone 6lbs Waist: 31.5 (target waist measurement: 25) Loss since yesterday: 1.5 Total left to lose: 6.5 Breakfast: Over-priced poached eggs on buttered sourdough bread with side salad = 600kcals Lunch: The unappetising remnants of Lilys bear-shaped crisps and gingerbread man = 100kcals Dinner: The last remaining Cheese Ploughmans, which looked as though it had been manhandled by several other shoppers = 625 kcals Exercise: 3.5-mile walk = -200 kcals TOTAL: 1125 kcals Lessons learned: if I keep going to the posh cafe I will soon go bankrupt. I shouldnt buy my dinner from the supermarket at the end of the day. And I mustnt put my foot in the houmous. Love Ariane xx
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:12:35 +0000

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