Hello and welcome to this page. I should explain that Im not shy - TopicsExpress


Hello and welcome to this page. I should explain that Im not shy but I am a private person and I have no intention of posting a publicly viewable profile on a dating website nor committing to subscribing to lets face it exorbitant monthly fees just of be able to message maybe only two or three people that appeal to me. I do have a profile on POF (hidden obviously!) which i have regurgitated below: Profile: Im a quietly confident, intelligent (though a bit dyslexic) guy that lives just off the beach in Pevensey Bay and works at Brighton. Im 39, 174cm, I have no children, never been married and dont smoke. Im intelligent, well traveled and very friendly. Im very caring, very kind, attentive, extremely thoughtful, very loyal and generous and have a creative side which comes out in different ways. Ive a good life. Ive lived on my own for the last four years but Im looking for that special person to fill a cavity in my life. Im serious when required, silly also as required. I am loving, respectful and tactile. I try to be mature in a relationship by being appreciative, attentive, and accepting of my partner, Im really not into games playing, sulking, and arguing which some find the norm. Im a happy person and want a happy natured partner, I have some rough edges obviously and dont expect you to be perfect, but a nice personality goes way further than looks in my books. If you you know you’re a bit flaky in that area please exit here! I am quiet and thoughtful but not passive nor a pushover, I work hard for what I want. Im very honest, fair and open and ask for similar in a partner so stoic silent types might find that challenging! I can be blunt and sometimes too free with my thoughts for which has been known for me to put my foot in it. Im a university scientist (marine micropalaeontologist) that researches climate change, tropical rain forests and permafrost among other stuff in exotic places such as the Seychelles, Peru, Ecuador, India and Mojave. I used to spend several months of the year living in jungles but now my boss has chained me to the laboratory desk so to speak from now on. Although there are no more snakes, tarantulas, jaguars and bodily fungus to contend with Im stuck chewing paperwork and staring out of the window, taking the piss out of the students and increasingly wanting a new challenge. I need a lady with a bit of get up and go about themselves, some sort of aspirations or passion on any level- even if it is a bit crazy. Im a fairly imaginative creative sort who fills his spare time to the full with an array of outdoor and indoor hobbies. I draw, paint, make furniture, fashion sculptures from recycled items or old farm tractors, whatever my mood takes me. Recent dalliances have been into artistic blacksmithery and I would next like to explore glass fusion and maybe make some wrought iron and glass bed frames. I can be overly sentimental, sensitive and a bit of a hoarder in my man cave at times. Although scaled back on it recently I compete in national and European level 4x4 trials, building my own vehicles and have several times been a past British Champion. I also have a small motorsport engineering and developing artistic metalwork business. I don’t do much and it can be months between jobs. I dont have any commitments and am very flexible.I live alone in a house which I have totally rebuilt by myself over the last 13 years with a friendly elderly German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky that love walks and are good with children. I try to be mindful and live life to the full, again I would like to meet somebody mindful and mature within their inner self, aware of their ego and how it effects them. Im looking for somebody who is … well whatever? Im open with no prejudices to anybody really, any age, any distance! Other than avoiding Coco Chanel makeup clowns, smokers and heavy clubbers I dont really have a type of person in mind. Having spent a number of years both in long term relationships and single I am comfortable in my own company being independent and concentrating on other things but also I have a very big heart and can offer a lot of attention and time to a partner. Although I have lived in the area for 13 years I have been busy rebuilding this house and working aboard a lot. That has all wound down and I am importantly up for making some friends also as I have realised that I have no local social life either! I do miss cooking for people – on that front I’m a bit experiential so expect some disasters! I walk the dogs 3-4 miles each day, occasionally jog, enjoy cycling into town and out over the marshes if the weather permits. I have a gym membership but it I’m going to be honest that only gets used if the belt buckle goes up a notch. (Ahem-er at the gym this morning ) If you’re a gym monkey good for you if not that is fine also as long as you are not a total slob and still happy within yourself. [b]The fine print:[/b] I am looking for somebody respectful, honest, open, considerate and loyal. Five very important key qualities! I have done this internet dating malarkey before. It has obvious pros and cons in my experience, and thus my new improved bullsh*t detector is now switched on to protect my trusting nature. After you remove the players, morbidly lonely, and serial chatters there doesnt seem to be many people left who treat people with equal and honest respect. If you are dating because you have just come out of a marriage or long term relationship that is totally fine but if you’re just looking for some male attention, to rebuild your self-esteem, or have become addicted to window shopping or flirting online please also exit now. I don’t have a problem with that in its self but being honest about whether you want a serious relationship or a bit of temporary attention is important. Similarly online dating isn’t the French foreign legion or a religious sect, if you eventually enter into a committed relationship you should maybe consider deleting your profile to avoid confusion??!! I must admit I find the I want a relationship, not too bothered who with attitude of online dating a little tedious. I am here to find the right person for me long term, not the slipping into the next convenient relationship, until I find the right person I am happy to meet new people and make friends. I employ the fussy approach rather than the scatter gun tactic so if I have messaged you it is because I am genuinely interested in what you have written in your profile. Oh I hope I haven’t put anybody nice off with all this drivel! I do believe that I have actually exceed the permitted word count for this section! Damn I knew I should have just said Hi, my name is Tim and I have an eclectic choice in music message me if you want to know more Good luck in your fishing ladies! Interests: Outdoors, Dogs, Cycling, Camping, Jogging, My Logburner, Yoga, Creativity, Conservation, Grand Designs, Drawing, Exploring, Art, Design, Travelling, Cross Country Skiing, Conversations, Walking, Fishing, Dreaming up ways to leave the rat race, Motorsport, Reading, Sculpture, Eating out, Mechanics, Building, Cooking, Animals, BBQs First Date: Drink, or a walk? whatever! Come on as if anything else is ever going to happen! After writing in this box about parachute jumps, Orient Express and trips to Paris actually everybody just meets for a drink dont they?!! I am hoping to find one similar girl who maybe enjoys a country pub meal, a film, walk along the beach and if we get along maybe more? If we get along fabulously then things naturally change over time dont they? Im in no hurry but you’re never going to turn down The One are you if they walk into your life?! Im more than happy to exchange a few messages to verify neither of us is a nutter or some 14 year old catfish, but if you want to find out what Im like really ask me for a coffee (or some extra attraction cake). I like directness and impromptus excitement. A simple coffee is good and causal and doesnt have that excruciating feeling of having to spend the whole evening with somebody that has obviously been a bit misleading in their profile! I really havent much patience for message tennis (my spell checker has a hard life!). Having just reread what I have written above-it all seems rather forthright and brutal doesnt it? Maybe that is why I have a surprisingly empty diary at present!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:39:37 +0000

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