Hello class! :-D In todays lesson were gonna explore a darker side - TopicsExpress


Hello class! :-D In todays lesson were gonna explore a darker side of humanity, as we discuss our cultures growing idiotic idea that children are effective tools when it comes to selfish agendas :) Now a good majority of these parents are not evil, but just plain ignorant! Theyre generally too focused on their own wants n needs to recognize the damage theyre causing their kids. Now, it takes a deeply disturbed, vindictive, n bitter person to continue this behavior, after theyve been enlightened. Once ppl begin destroying others via their children, theyre no longer known as what we call civilized people! Now, we can observe that It takes one insanely cruel, malicious, psychopath to be a childs father and deliberately hide n withhold pertinent health info from the childs mother, knowing this misinformation could be harmful to the child, all just to set her up for failure as a parent! (Example: Insisting the child has no allergies when hes allergic to cats, seafood, peanut butter for a year) Apparently the mothers demise is more important to that father than the childs safety! Now class...I want u to try to imagine what kind of demonic, cruel, sadistic individual would be capable of forcefully creating physical harm to his baby, with the intention of placing this blame on the other parent?! If any parent displays such cruelty to any person, let alone the mother of his baby, is dedicated to anthers destruction by the use of any means, including abuse the child and is capable of so much hatred.....Its pretty clear that the primary responsibility of the other parent or guardian to dedicate their life to the RESCUE N PROTECTION THAT CHILD!!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:09:18 +0000

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