Hello covenant brothers and sisters. This is a post regarding a - TopicsExpress


Hello covenant brothers and sisters. This is a post regarding a very good question as you will see below. Many of these believers (such as most of us) believe that the Sabbath is determined from the New Moon. This is what is mentioned in this thread as lunar Sabbath. I tried my best to bring clarity on the question, and some of the abstract comments by taking the revelation of COVENANT that we have been revealed to answer her/their question. I think it is important to share with you all. May the Father bless you and be with you in the BLOOD OF HIS ETERNAL COVENANT! Please read entire thread. Here is POST and COMMENTS: Mary Schumpf 11 hrs • When did Israel leave Egypt? On the 15th of the month of Abib? But that was a Sabbath and they could not journey on Sabbath, I am putting this out here for those who know and can answer questions. Just trying to piece it all together. Thanks if you can answer this. I am studying Troys article and it brought this question to my mind. Thanks Mary. LikeLike • • Share • Sheila Bath Yhwh and 3 others like this. • Joseph Chumley Deu 16:1 Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto YHWH thy ELOHIM: for in the month of Abib YHWH thy ELOHIM brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • 3 • Mary Schumpf Yes I know Joseph Chumley, but I am trying to figure out the timing somehow for journeying on the 15th which was a Sabbath. This is very important to get straightened out. Journeying was out on Sabbath. So I am thinking it had to be some explanation. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • Joseph Chumley Joh 11:9 Yahushua answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. They left by Night. 10 hrs • Like • 4 • Mary Schumpf Then that would not have been the 16th. At sundown was the 16th. I know some believe in Sunrise to Sunset as the Sabbath hours, but I dont at the present time. Sorry. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • Joseph Chumley creationcalendar/Calen.../18-DawnDayStudy.pdf 10 hrs • Like • 1 • Joseph Chumley There has NEVER been a DAY that started at NIGHT. 10 hrs • Like • 6 • Mary Schumpf Scripture please. I have yet to really study it, but from what I have already read through, very little scripture. And because Yahushua said twelve hours in a day did not mean he disregarded the night watches. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • Joseph Chumley Click Troys link above. 10 hrs • Like • Mary Schumpf The scripture says so. Evening and morning are the first day and thereafter. Sorry what are you going to do with that? No one ever answers my questions, just move onto something else. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • Joseph Chumley Mary....please read the study that I posted from Troys site. 10 hrs • Like • 2 • Mary Schumpf I am doing this other study of Troys right now. It will have to wait. 10 hrs • Edited • Like • 1 • Kirk Carmichael Mary, the answer is very simple. They hadnt entered COVENANT yet with YHUH. The Sabbath was INSTITUTED as a COVENANT command for the first time since Adam two months later when YHUH spoke the Ten Commandments. The manna incident was the training of...See More 10 hrs • Edited • Like • 1 • Mary Schumpf Kirk that makes a little sense as far as the Israelites were concerned but I cannot imagine Yahuwah giving the command to journey on His Sabbath. I know there has to be an explanation. I am not questioning the 15th as the Sabbath, just want to know the explanation. They left Egypt on the 15th? Are we sure they actually left on the 15th? 10 hrs • Edited • Like • Kirk Carmichael The point: There was NO SABBATH yet... thats what I was explaining. You imagine Pharoah gave them a day off? 10 hrs • Like • 1 • Mary Schumpf Sabbath was made in Eden. Yahuwah would not break His own Sabbath. 10 hrs • Like • Kirk Carmichael Nor was it instructed yet... scripture is silent for 2500 years, BECAUSE His Covenant plan was COMPLETE for the FIRST TIME since Adam fell from the Garden... It would take a couple of hours to show you this. 10 hrs • Like • 2 • Kirk Carmichael I just commented above on this... Sabbath WAS NOT an instruction from the Garden to Mt Sinai after Adam fell. 10 hrs • Like • 2 • Mary Schumpf I appreciate your help. 10 hrs • Unlike • 1 • Joseph Chumley creationcalendar/Calen.../18-DawnDayStudy.pdf 10 hrs • Like • Mary Schumpf Yeah I downloaded it for study later. 10 hrs • Like • Alex Gore Snr Mary ....worlds last chance ......see ....three months in a row.. 8 hrs • Like • Gail Simpson Good question Mary and good answers too. Remember that verse in Deuteronomy 5:1-3. Moses tells all the children of Israel that the Covenant that YHVH had made with them all who were alive there that day, He did not make with their fathers (I guess He couldnt while they were in slavery in Egypt). 6 hrs • Unlike • 2 • Prince N Nyazika They left at NIGHT after the sacred hours of the Shabbat had passed. Deu 16:1, Deu 5:15 & Num 33:3 6 hrs • Like • 4 • Maria Ronneth Thats the same day when HaMashiach was nailed on the tree/stake (between the evenings; evening of 14th and evening of 15th/6th-hour of the 15th)....A day of separation from Mitsrayim and from all pagan beliefs, traditions and systems...A new day...A n...See More 6 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika MASHIAH was nailed to the stake and crucified on the 14th of Abib - the very day of the Passover sacrifice as the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. He was placed on the stake at the 3rd hour and died at the 9th hour. Shaul (Paul) says YAHUSHA our Passover is sacrificed for us. 6 hrs • Like • 2 • Prince N Nyazika The YisraElites left Egypt on the 15th of Abib AT NIGHT... 6 hrs • Like • 2 • Gail Simpson And He rose exactly 72 hours later. 6 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika https://facebook/notes/prince-n-nyazika/the-exodus-the-crucifixion-crucial-time-details/10152048526751769 The Exodus & The Crucifixion: CRUCIAL TIME DETAILS ***MUST READ*** The calendar details of the complimentary events of the Exod...See More By: Prince N Nyazika 6 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika Beloved Gail Simpson, as for the three days and three nights, there are a number of things that people overlook and end up arriving at the wrong conclusion. Please read this: https://facebook/notes/prince-n-nyazika/the-sign-of-jonah-understanding-the-three-days-and-three-nights/10151178089201769 THE SIGN OF JONAH: UNDERSTANDING THE THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we w...See More By: Prince N Nyazika 5 hrs • Like • Daryl Schultz I did not do the math but, the earth had a 360 day year until northern Israel excepted Baal worship and was driven northwest into Europe known as Celtics. Just guessing the 15th would be the first day or perhaps what is known as Saturday night today. 4 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika Not at all beloved Daryl Schultz 4 hrs • Like • Gail Simpson Thanks Prince N Nyazika, I will take a look at it tomorrow morning. Looking forward to it but its late here now 4 hrs • Like • 1 • Robert-Aaron Richmond The answer you are looking for is here Mary Schumpf. Deuteronomy 16...See More 4 hrs • Like • 4 • Daryl Schultz Prince N Nyazika, it looks Luke we agree that it happened just after the Sabbath. So it looks like you opposed the thought of Celtics being Northern Israelites. Just saying we are and its in the Bible. Not debating any farther on this page. 4 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika I opposed the notion that the 15th is or was the first day or what is known as Saturday today, because it really isnt. The Sabbath has absolutely nothing in common with the calendar of Rome beloved. 3 hrs • Edited • Like • 3 • Daryl Schultz The Roman calendar is corrupted and misguides people from the. Hebrew foundation of thinking. The Torah was written when there was a 360 day year. 3 hrs • Like • Daryl Schultz The 15th starts at sundown Saturday night. 3 hrs • Like • Kirk Carmichael So many subjects and misperceptions here. Back to the subject. I know there are a few people here that adamantly believe (and are correct) that a day begins at the rise of the sun and that the phrase six days you shall work and the seventh shall be a Sabbath rest for you IS NOT a COUNTING statement of SEVEN PLUS SEVEN PLUS SEVEN all the way back to Adam landing on supposedly a Saturday in the Garden? Dear brother Prince N Nyazika, we only care for truth right and dont need to protect any pet doctrine? It is so FRUSTRATING knowing the COVENANT PLAN OF YAHUAH answers every single issue of scripture with perfect clarity, especially the issue at hand and the Sabbath being determined by the moon, yet Prince there is NO REASON to protect the sacred hours of Sabbath because the descendants of Abraham HAD NOT YET BEEN BOUND BY BLOOD COVENANT YET, as the NEXT FIFTEENTH on their calendar was training in the wilderness on the MANNA using HIS Holy day being given for the first time since Adam had fallen from REST as the SIGN OF THEIR COVENANT. Knowing the COVENANT and the COVENANT TIMELINE perfectly shatters a mindless count back to Adam on a Friday night to Saturday night. Has anybody here ever CELEBRATED THEIR MARRIAGE TO THEIR SPOUSE THE YEARS BEFORE THEY HAPPENED???? If they had I would like to know first how that was possible and second what was the POINT of them getting married if it was not SIGNIFICANT??? Brothers and sisters, the MOST SIGNIFICANT MOMENT IN TIME (besides our Savior dying for us and RENEWING THIS VERY COVENANT AT MT SINAI) was the DAY THE FATHER SPOKE THE WORDS OF HIS COVENANT TO ABRAHAMS DESCENDANTS. It was the ETERNAL MARRIAGE between the Father and His people AND when He sent His Son to pay for their sins of breaking the covenant, (especially His Sabbath) He wrote the COVENANT INSTRUCTIONS on our heart and gave His Son in marriage to you and me. There IS ZERO SIGNIFICANCE of the Feast days, WITHOUT KNOWING, that Unleavened Bread is a MEMORIAL OF YOU AND I BEING CALLED INTO MARRIAGE, SHAVOT IS THE BETROTHAL OF GIVING US HIS SPIRIT AND COVENANT ON OUR MINDS & HEARTS AND TABERNACLES WHEN HIS FAITHFUL BRIDE DWELLS W HOS FAITHFUL SON FOR 1000 YEARS. SHABBAT (set by the moon) is our weekly SIGN OF THE COVENANT, as Gail pointed out GIVEN TO THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM AS A SPECIAL MEETING W OUR BRIDEGROOM NOT LIKE OUR ANCESTORS HAD. 2 hrs • Like • Prince N Nyazika I am finding it very hard to get exactly what you are trying to say beloved Kirk Carmichael. Would it be possible to lay out point by point in a manner that we are (sorry, I am) able to follow? In your comment above, you have mentioned quiet a lot of things and at the end of it I still dont quite get exactly what you are getting at. Please advise... 2 hrs • Edited • Like • Kirk Carmichael Yes, will do my beloved brother. This is the strongest point we have in demonstrating the Lunar Sabbath cycle which I so much support your cause. Give me an hour. 2 hrs • Like • 3 • Prince N Nyazika Daryl Shultz, come again? When you say the 15th starts at sundown on Saturday, what Scriptural basis exists to warrant that conclusion? 2 hrs • Like • 2 • Sheila Bath Yhwh Iam looking forward brother Kirk Carmichael next comment. There are many things that I cannot explain yet but that my spirit instantly agrees with. And what he just explained just makes sense to my spirit. 2 hrs • Unlike • 1 • Kirk Carmichael This is HUGE sister... hang in there. Our group has been ROCKED with this revelation. Working on reply... 2 hrs • Like • 1 • Norman Pool As it was pointed out earlier in this post, Israel begin their Exodus the night of the 15th. In the Creation week on the seventh day Yahuah rested, but in that scripture it does not say, and the evening and the morning were the seventh day. Of the six work days, Yahuah worked during the daylight hours. He ended his work each day at evening till morning where He picked up where he left off. So each morning at the dawning of a new day Yahuah worked all six days. The seventh day when the sun rose, He did not work because He already entered into rest. So there was no need to say evening and morning within this verse as the other six days. So back to Israel. On the fifteenth day, in the evening, the official time of rest had ended (this is why we call it the Sabbath DAY), Israel began their journey out of slavery (bondage) into freedom (rest). This would be considered Sabbath night, but there is no command to rest at night, because this is normally when most folks wind down and go to bed and sleep (rest). There is a difference when we talk about day and talk about night, scripture over and over makes reference to this. Shalom yall, I pray I helped some of you here. I gotta go so I wont be around for several hours to answer any questions, but if you have any, just private pm me and I will get back asap with you. Shalom again. 1 hr • Like • 2 • Jonah Rhinehart do you not think that if an ox can be removed from a ditch on a weekly Sabbath, then an entire nation could begin a journey to freedom, being thrust out at the exact appointed time. 1 hr • Edited • Like • Kirk Carmichael Ok, brother Prince N Nyazika and brothers and sisters of the RENEWED COVENANT. BEFORE you start reading PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE (to the thousandth power) do NOT DISCARD THIS post. I know it is VERY LENGTHY, and broken up over several posts but the material posted is INVALUABLE. These are the KEYS to answering THIS SUBJECT MATTER and ALL OTHERS. 1 Thessalonias 5:19-22 says to NOT DESPISE prophecy, but TEST ALL THINGS and HOLD FAST TO WHAT IS GOOD. The comments made on this subject matter are abstract and this is the CONCRETE ANSWER. Read very slowly and take days to go over and over it again, so you can really embed this revelation from our heavenly Father only by His Spirit. There are 10,000 detailed points to make regarding the COVENANT PLAN OF YAHUAH our heavenly Father of which ALL WRITERS OF SCRIPTURE (expecially Moses, the Prophets, & Paul) record the COVENANTS (eight of them in total through Adam, Noah, Abraham ‘x2’, Moses ‘x3’, David, and Yahusha) and comment on COVENANT EVENTS. It is ONLY COVENANT that is the common thred from Adam to New Jerusalem and knowing the CONTRACTS (a covenant is a contract) gives us the “WHY’S” of scripture such as the one at hand: “why the Israelites left on the 15th of the first month, which we know is BOTH a FEAST DAY and a SABBATH”. In teaching the COVENANT PLAN OF YAHUAH for last couple of years, I realize that the only way to fully communicate and summarize the complexity of the Father’s masterfully beautiful plan we need a timeline and map out the EIGHT COVENANTS, and many studies. This process has taken three of us three full years to do. So, please walk with me on a limited scope of a timeline from Adam to Mt Sinai. I would like to cover the function of the two blood covenants made with Abram/Abraham as it relates to the BOOK OF THE COVENANT with His descendants (Exodus 24:7-8) in detail but just can not for simplicity here. Let’s begin with focusing on the WHY’S of SABBATH being given & reinstuted: In chronological order of events: IN THE BEGINNING: Genesis 1 & 2 detail YAHUAH’S COVENANT WITH ADAM. The seven days of CREATION culminated with creating Adam (not Eve) in His Image and Likeness on the sixth day and then RESTING (Genesis 2:1-2) on the seventh day. REST is synonomous with a COMPLETED COVENANT. YAHUAH GIVES ADAM A BRIDE: This event is the first BLOOD COVENANT (too much to explain). The taking of a BRIDE from the BODY of Adam is the NATURAL PICTURE of the SPIRITUAL, as from the BODY of MASHIACH (the SECOND ADAM) there is a BRIDE going to be taken (THOSE WHO KEEP THE FATHERS COVENANT). Even the first Hebrew word Bereshit is a word picture of the Father building a house for His Son. (This paragraph is SIDE NOTES) ‘Torah’ DOES NOT mean ‘First Five books of Moses’ but rather ‘the instructions of the COVENANT’. We know that the ENTIRE COVENANT PLAN ends with a WEDDING SUPPER of a BRIDE RETURNING TO THE TREE OF LIFE WITH THE SECOND ADAM (Revelation 21 & 22), as the FIRST ADAM AND HIS BRIDE were KICKED OUT FROM HIS PRESENCE. The requirement of being ‘born again’ (John 3:5) by the incorruptable SEED (The Mashiach/1 Peter 1:23) really means to be ‘born from the beginning’ by having the Spirit of Mashiach (THE BRIDEGROOM) (Romans 8:9), by writing His Covenant laws (Hebrews 8:8-10, Jeremiah 31:31-33) on your mind and on your heart as the CHOSEN BRIDE. He will ONLY come get the FAITHFUL BRIDE who is not breaking (SINNING) the COVENANT/LAW (1 John 3:4). You see brothers and sisters, if we don’t begin with the Garden of Eden, our ‘Torah’ teachers have completely missed what is really going on with the events surrounding Egypt & Mt Sinai. Let’s continue: The GROUND WAS CURSED (GENESIS 3:17) and ACCESS TO THE TREE OF LIFE GUARDED (GENESIS 3:22-24) by the breaking of His COVENANT with Adam and his bride. NOAH: In the RENEWAL RESTART of the COVENANT, the FLOOD washed away the CORRUPT PEOPLE and Noah as the SEED OF THE WOMAN (Genesis 3:15/THE ONLY PROMISE given Adam) and ‘of the order of Melchizedek’ was found RIGHTEOUS IN HIS GENERATION, which YAHUAH chose to offer His COVENANT. (so much more going on here but need to continue) Summary: Noah’s obedience to the COVENANT and his CLEAN ANIMAL (yes CLEAN AND UNCLEAN began with Noah as he took the animals on 2x2 unclean and 7x7 clean, Genesis 7:2) SACRIFICE lifted the CURSE OF THE GROUND (Genesis 8:21). Why is this important? The Father can’t offer a PROMISE LAND (to Abraham in COVENANT, Genesis 15:8-21, then to His descendants, BOOK OF THE COVENANT – Exodus 19:5-24:8) UNTIL HE LIFTS THE CURSE OF THE GROUND. 52 mins • Edited • Like • Kirk Carmichael ABRAHAM: (I need 50 pages of text to cover the COVENANT aspect of what is going on with our COVENANT Father, so ONLY covering a couple COVENANT/CONTRACTUAL issues). The Father calls Abram to offer MAKING HIM A NATION (Genesis 12:1-3) of SET APART people. (He ends up accomplishing this BOTH as a NATURAL SET APART PEOPLE, FIRST COVENANT (which included 7 COVENANTS – don’t get stumbled here it all fits), and a SPIRITUAL SET APART PEOPLE (through His Son, by the RENEWED COVENANT). Abraham is BOTH (geneology of Genesis 11:10-32) the SEED OF THE WOMAN and ‘of the order of Melchizedek by Noah’s son Shem passing him the torch of the MELCHIZEDEK ETERNAL PRIESTHOOD. Abram BELIEVES BY FAITH ALONE in the PROMISED SEED that HE WILL CONCEIVE THE PROMISED SEED BEING ISAAC in the promise given him in Genesis 15:1-5. ABRAM GIVEN UNCONDIONAL BLOOD COVENANT (Genesis 15:8-21): (quick summary – way too much to cover). This is the FIRST THRESHOLD OF SALVATION… the Father YAHUAH GUARANTEES the COVENANT by Himself (Smoking Firepot is YAHUAH and Burning Torch is YAHUSHA) passing through the pieces in Genesis 15:17. YAHUSHA (THE SON) is making BLOOD COVENANT on behalf of Abram and then HIS DESCENDANTS so it was HIM (Yahusha) who would have to BE CUT IN TWO for disobedience of this COVENANT with the Holy Father. This was the WILL/TESTAMENT that DEATH NEEDED TO BE PROVED BY which Hebrews 9:15-16 is speaking about. MY MAIN POINT OF SALVATION: No matter what you even call YAHUSHA/JESUS with a simple CRY FROM YOUR HEART admitting you a SINNER you come INTO BLOOD COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with THE BRIDEGROOM. ABRAHAM ENTERS BLOOD COVENANT BY SHEDDING HIS OWN BLOOD (Genesis chapter 17): (quick summary—way too much to cover). This is the SECOND THRESHOLD OF SALVATION… OBEDIENCE to the COVENANT by your own willfull entry (circumcision), by being bound to the BLOOD COVENANT you are entering – the BLOOD OF YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH. This COVENANT GUARANTEES the FAITHFUL SEED OF ABRAHAM will get their INHERITANCE (IE Inherit the Kingdom of Elohim). ISAAC is NOT BORN YET but this COVENANT (of circumcision in Genesis 17) guarantees he will be born in one year, as he is born according to the PROMISE. ISAAC IS CONFIRMED THE COVENANT (Genesis 26:1-5). He IS CONFIRMED THE COVENANT because Isaac is the PROMISED SON and in Genesis 26:5 because Abraham OBEYED all the COVENANT INSTRUCTIONS and TEST (of ready to sacrifice his promised son in Genesis 22) he was given… THIS DID NOT include Sabbath or the Feast Days because they were still coming. Here is WHY: Did rainbows exist BEFORE the COVENANT WITH NOAH? No! Rainbows are a SPECIAL COVENANT SIGN (meaning a SIGNAL -- VISUAL) of Noah’s obedience and faithfulness of YAHUAH to NOT FLOOD THE WORLD AGAIN. Was Circumcision BEFORE Abraham? No! Circumcision is a SPECIAL SIGN (meaning a SIGNAL – VISUAL) of Abrahams faithfulness and COVENANT promise (its why Pauls states of the circumcision many times -- huge COVENANT statement). Was SABBATH or the FEAST DAYS given BEFORE MT SINAI??? No! SABBATH IS THE SIGN (SIGNAL – VISUAL, as we can SEE THE MOON DIRECT THE DAYS) of the COVENANT and the FEAST DAYS ARE SPECIAL APPOINTED TIMES given AS SPECIAL MARRIAGE REMINDER OF YAHUAH ENTERING COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM’S DESCENDANTS OF THE FIRST COVENANT /& US WITH HIS SON. JACOB IS CONFIRMED THE COVENANT & CHANGED NAME TO ISRAEL (GENESIS 35:10). He is given a SPECIAL PROMISE that he WOULD BE MADE INTO A NATION (those of the FIRST COVENANT) & a COMMUNITY OF NATIONS (which happened in YAHUSHA in RENEWED COVENANT). The 12 boys (13 actually through Joseph’s sons) and their descendants are THE SET APART DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM. We are the scattered children of Jacob (13 tribes) due to the COVENANT disobedience of The Book of the Law (the Book of Deutoronomy is a COVENANT called The Book of the Law) made specifically for those of THE FIRST COVENANT in the 40th years in wilderness to take effect when they ENTERED THE PROMISED LAND. CALLED OUT OF EGYPT (Exodus chapter 1 through 15). This is our subject matter of the Facebook discussion. I pray you see the SIGNIFICANCE of the broken covenant with ADAM and now the FULFILLMENT of the BLOOD COVENANT PROMISES given to Abraham would be VERY SIGNIFICANT right now. This is where SO MUCH DETAIL IS NEEDED but please understand there is way, way, way too much to cover. BY FAITH I pray you believe me that EVERY SINGLE BLOOD COVENANT promise given Abraham in Genesis 15:8-17 & Genesis 17 are coming to fruition as Abraham’s descendants are coming out in the 400th year of being held captive to the NATION YAHUAH is punishing. In FACT, EVERY SINGLE ISRAELITE that CAME OUT OF EGYPT WAS CIRCUMCISED (Joshua 5:5). This is VERY IMPORTANT as ANY MALE (even Moses was going to die for not circumcising his son in Exodus 4:24) NOT BEING CIRCUMCISED WOULD BE CUTOFF from the COVENANT PROMISES GIVEN THEIR FATHER ABRAHAM as this was BLOOD COVENANT ENTRY (in the SAME way we must have our HEARTS CIRCUMCISED BY COMING INTO THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHA BY THE FATHER DOING THE CIRCUMCISING/ Deuteronomy 30:6, Romans 2:29, Colossias 2:11). UNLEAVENED BREAD, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH: As brother Prince mentioned that Abraham’s descendants LEFT on the FIFTEENTH DAY THERE WAS A COVENANT REASON. I hope you see all the connections connected to COVENANT above. There was only TWO THINGS MISSING from the COVENANT PROMISES TO ABRAHAM. 1) GENESIS 17:7 That Abraham’s descendants would be their ELOHIYM and they would be HIS PEOPLE – this is MARRIAGE TALK… AND, the Father needs to take them OUT of Egypt to MARRY THEM. Mt Sinai was a WEDDING. I can send you a chapter of book we are writing called ROADMAP TO THE PROMISE LAND. The chapter is titled WEDDING OF THE MESSIAH for more details. 2) GENESIS 17:8 That AFTER MARRYING Abraham’s descendants they would DWELL TOGETHER in the LAND HE PROMISED TO ABRAHAM. Remember what land this is? The GARDEN OF EDEN. AGAIN, to answer Mary’s question, THE BLOOD COVENANT the Father was GOING TO ENTER WITH ABRAHAM’S DESCENDANTS would happen TWO MONTHS AFTER the FIFTEENTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH. How do you think they EVEN KNEW when the FIFTEENTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH WAS? In Exodus 12:2 YAHUAH RESTORED the CALENDAR to Moses by telling Moses when His calendar started. It HAD BEEN ABANDONED since Adam left the Garden 2500 years earlier as the BLOOD COVENANT COMPLETION was taking place. SABBATH WOULD SOON FOLLOW as that SPECIAL SIGN OF THE COVENANT (Exodus 31:13) AFTER He married Abraham’s descendants. REST again is synonomous with a COMPLETED COVENANT (I would love to post more details of this if anybody wants). 2 mins • Edited • Like • • Kirk Carmichael SO, in why in Exodus 12:17, JUST BEFORE THEY LEFT Egypt do we read the following instruction FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SCRIPTURE??? Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because IT WAS ON THIS VERY DAY THAT I BROUGHT YOUR DIVISIONS out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. THE FEAST DAYS ARE “APPOINTED TIMES” NOT HAPHAZARDLY GIVEN BUT FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1) UNLEAVENED BREAD – BEING CALLED INTO COURTSHIP 2) SHAVU’OT – BEING BETROTHED (LEGALLY MARRIED IN ANCIENT SOCIETY – KETUBAH WAS THE TWO STONE TABLETS, THE MARRIAGE AGREEMENT) 3) TABERNACLES – TO DWELL TOGETHER AS INTIMATE BRIDEGROOM HUSBAND AND BRIDE. This is why the RENEWED COVENANT has this MARRIAGE LANGUAGE embedded into it: JEREMIAH 31:31-32 Behold, the days are coming, says YAHUAH, when I will make A RENEWED COVENANT with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, MY COVENANT THAT THEY BROKE, though I WAS A HUSBAND TO THEM, says YAHUAH. When was He a HUSBAND TO THEM? At Mt Sinai was the MARRIAGE… do you celebrate a MARRIAGE before you EVEN MEET your wife? No! Was ANY OF THE FEASTS mentioned BEFORE Mt Sinai! No! Was Sabbath mentioned anytime between the FALL OF ADAM in Genesis 2:1-2 and Exodus 16 for 2500 years? No! Reason: BOTH ADAM and at Mt Sinai WERE BOTH MARRIED and BOUND BY THE ETERNAL LAWS (the Ten Commandments). Adam INSTINCTUALLY KEPT them by His nature as HE KNEW NO SIN before eating of the Tree of Knowledge, and NOW, for the FIRST TIME: 1) Man was bound by the ETERNAL LAWS in COVENANT of which THEY COULD NOT KEEP because as Romans 8:3 says: For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, YAHUAH did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh… ONLY HIS SON could KEEP THE COVENANT and ONLY HIS BRIDE CAN NOW KEEP THE COVENANT by the POWER OF THE RUACH (Being ‘born again’) AND BY CRUCIFYING their FLESH in submitting to the COVENANT (The Ten Commandments). 2) The Calendar was restored (Exodus 12:2) 3) Sabbath was restored and reserved specially for His BRIDE (the descendants of Abraham) 4) This COVENANT was NOT like the ones made with their father Abraham as Gail Simpson mentioned earlier: DEUTERONOMY 5:3-4 YAHUAH DID NOT MAKE THIS COVENANT WITH OUR FATHERS, but with us, those who are here today, all of us who are alive. YAHUAH talked with you face to face on the mountain from the midst of the fire. 5) Even His Name did NOT Abraham, Isaac & Jacob know: EXODUS 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as ELOHIYM almighty, BUT MY NAME YAHUAH I was not known to them. In closing, I hope you see ALL THE WHY’S ARE PERFECTLY UNDERSTOOD THROUGH COVENANT. Paul wrote in COVENANT LANGUAGE and this is why his writings ARE SO BUTCHERED by BOTH Christians (thinking he is writing to do away with “law”) and ‘Torah’ followers (who think Paul was talking about ‘rabbinical talmud’ law when speaking negative against ‘the torah/law’) because THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HE WAS WRITING COVENANT LANGUAGE, as TORAH simply MEANS THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE COVENANT, and there was A MONUMENTAL COVENANT CHANGE OF THE LAW (Hebrews 7:11-12) AND PRIESTHOOD TO MELCHIZEDEK. When you UNDERSTAND HOW GLORIOUS of an accomplishment was YAHUAH’S plan by sending YAHUSHA to usher in the BLOOD OF THE ETERNAL COVENANT (Hebrews 13:20) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 min • Edited • Like • CJ Yosef Mary Schumpf wrote The scripture says so. Evening and morning are the first day and thereafter. Sorry what are you going to do with that? No one ever answers my questions, just move onto something else. Mary SchumpfScripture speaks for itself. Evening and morning is in one (1) day. Whether 1st day or 2nd day or 3rd day, a day consists of morning and evening. Morning - sunrise to midday (noon) and evening - midday (noon to sunset) all in the same day! 3 hrs • Like • 2 • Kirk Carmichael You ever wonder why there was ONLY THREE FEASTS (APPOINTED TIMES) to begin with in Exodus chapter 23? BECAUSE AFTER they BROKE the FIRST SET OF STONE TABLETS, THE BOOK OF THE COVENANT (THE FIRST SET OF STONE TABLETS), the SECOND SET OF STONE TABLETS COVENANT (in Leviticus 23) ADDED First Fruits, the day of Atonement, and the day of the blowing of Trumpets, as MASHIACH YAHUSHA had to come to RENEW THE FIRST BROKEN COVENANT -- broken by the sin of the golden calf.... 3 hrs • Like • Jill Larkin Mary, you have many learned friends. Off topic, but would they be willing to answer sometime on our discussion of exactly WHO Gods chosen people are, does that include all believers & is or is not the country Israel to belong to them, yet? Was that reward taken back because the Hebrews broke the agreement by disobedience? Is that why the Torah-following Jews in Israel now say they are not to have their own country until Yeshua returns? Are we to support political Zionism under the command of bless Israel, I bless those who bless Israel...? 2 hrs • Like • Joseph Chumley The Zionist STATE of Israel are IMPOSTORS! True Israel will be gathered at the return of Yahushua HaMashiac! Then Israel will live in Shalom. That is NOT to say that there are not some true believers over there, but the Zionist STATE does NOT follow the WORD of YHWH. My two cents 1 hr • Like • Daryl Schultz Very interesting Kirk Carmichael. Recently I have begun to really take a look at Yom Kippur. I see this as an outline of the sacrifice Yahushua made and entering Heaven and the life of the saved about to be caught up. Also the escape goat hiding in the wilderness from Antichrist. My thoughts on Jills questions are all can witness for YHVH. Twelve tribes will be restored and inhabit greater Israel. Zionism today banks under the Babylonian system. Israel today is wheat and tares. We should support Israel. There has been Jews there from the time of Yahushua. 1 hr • Edited • Like • Kirk Carmichael Jill Larkin, where do you suppose the word Jew comes from? The ANSWER: COVENANT. Guys, only COVENANT answers w crystal clarity these subjects. Without understanding the COVENANT plan up to DAVID and how the Northern Kingdom (Israel) & Southern Kingdom (Judah aka Jews) were DIVIDED from the entire House of David consisting of all 13 tribes, there is ZERO CHANCE of understanding this subject. Joseph Chumley is right about the NATURAL DESCENDANTS who live in Judah/Judea right now. How could anybody say that ANYBODY is a CHOSEN PEOPLE outside of the COVENANT made through YAHUSHAS shed blood? I just answered through COVENANT how the FIRST COVENANT people were NATURAL, and those of us in the RENEWED COVENANT are the SPIRITUAL DESCENDANTS of Abraham. Where do you think this concept came from by Paul? You got it: THE BLOOD COVENANT PROMISE TO ABRAHAM. ROMANS 9:6 But it is not that the word of YAHUAH has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, NOR ARE THEY ALL CHILDREN OF THE NATURAL DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” (GENESIS 17:19, GENESIS 21:12) Judah (Jews) carried the COVENANT torch upon the Northern Kingdom (Israel) going into dispersion ENDING WHEN YAHUSHA DIED TO RESTORE THE LOST TENT OF DAVID (by COVENANT / Acts 15:17 & Amos 9:11-12) -- The Jews from today are sure COVENANT people, but not how you think. They are ESAUs descendants trying to take JACOBS inheritance which belongs to anybody in BLOOD COVENANT right now with the Son... as Daryl Schultz mentioned of the Babylonian system. Remember ESAU forsook his inheritance and with tears tried to get it back (Hebrews 12:16-17). He INTENTIONALLY married a CANAANITE woman -- a very severe covenant violation. The land today is the land of CANAAN -- not what evil men of the UNITED NATIONS called Israel. Jill Larkin, I would love to shed absolute clarity on who the Jews really were/are (the ones who will look upon whom they have pierced) THROUGH WHAT SCRIPTURE DEFINES “A JEW” but first please read the foundation I described above. ONLY Covenant gives us these answers guys… NOBODY can go against His COVENANT no matter how eloquent their speech. Solomon BROKE THE SAME COVENANT OFFER GIVEN HIS FATHER and for Davids sake did the Father keep JUDAH (Jews) in His land... until His Son said SALVATION IS OF THE TRIBE OF JUDEAH (The Jews) (JOHN 4:22), because He fulfilled the COVENANT BLESSING OF JUDAH given to him by His Father (Jacob/Israel) in Genesis 49:10. Here is the DIRECT LANGUAGE and result of SOLOMON’S DISOBEDIENCE TO THE COVENANT, of which JUDAH REMAINS for David’s sake: 1 KINGS 11:11-12 Therefore YAHUAH said to Solomon, “Because you have done this, and HAVE NOT KEPT MY COVENANT and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant. Nevertheless I will not do it in your days, for the sake of your father David; I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However I will not tear away the whole kingdom; I will give one tribe (JUDAH -- JEWS) to your son for the sake of My servant David, and for the sake of Jerusalem which I have chosen.” It is ESSENTIAL we get the right definition to our COVENANT WORDS, because the Christian and MANY of the Torah teachers do not have them right. There is NO DIFFERENCE between (Jew) meaning Southern Kingdom and Gentile (meaning Nations or one who is out of COVENANT or ISRAEL / Southern Kingdom. Huge!!! PS: David, I would be very interest in reading any insight on the tie in with Yom Kippur -- a MAJOR COVENANT completion of Yahusha, ADDED for the BREAKING OF THE ORIGINAL COVENANT with the golden calf.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:21:20 +0000

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