Hello everybody! Firstly, may I welcome all the new friends and - TopicsExpress


Hello everybody! Firstly, may I welcome all the new friends and furiends who arrived overnight, to my page! I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better! I am such a lucky girl – I already have the BEST friends/furiends in the world, and now I’ve a few more to wuv! BOL! Ooooh, it was a funny start to the day today! When we all got up, it was very misty and quite cold! It felt like a true Autumn day! Daddy said (when he phoned Mummy) that only a couple of miles up the road, on the way to work, the mist disappeared, but it lingered here until a while after Mummy and I got back from our walk! Now the sun is shining strongly in a wuvely blue sky and summer has returned! It’s already quite warm. Actually, it was the perfect combination – cool for my walk, and now I get to enjoy the wuvely weather without getting too hot! BOL! My paws and legs were very wet, when we got back from our walk, as there was a LOT of dew on the grass this morning! Even my tummy got a little bit wet! That’s the problem when you are quite close to the ground like I am! ALL six cats were on sentry duty this morning! I had to keep alert so as not to be caught out by them! I think the score today was Cats: 4 / Brenna: 2! It’s a little bit better than usual, where I lose all the time, but I did chase a couple today and they ran from me! Wow, did that feel good – it’s usually the other way round! Even the cats who ‘beat me’ today, didn’t make me run away! They sat and stared and I walked past, pretending I didn’t care when, actually, all I wanted to do was run! BOL! We all like our game now – I’m sure they had it all planned today though... I’ll tell you why... Three of the cats live down my favourite lane and the other three down the road to the farmhouse... When we went down the lane, there were NO cats around anywhere, but when we reached the bottom and turned around, THREE of them were sitting on the lane at various distances apart (outside their homes, I think!) So I had to be extra alert as there was always another ‘contestant’ ready to face as we walked back! The score down the lane was 2 -1 to the cats. WOULD YOU BELIEVE that the same thing happened on the other road! They were all spaced out down the length of the road and I had to pass them all! Again, the score was 2 -1 to the cats! Hmmmppphhh! They certainly have good strategy and tactics! They are very clever! I don’t stand a chance with this game, do I? There’s the six of them and just one little me! Mummy doesn’t count as she doesn’t always join in the game, although we did run together today... I don’t think she understands the rules! I shall have to teach her properly! BOL! We didn’t see Scruffy today, but I didn’t mind because I know that he is fine now! We saw Clancy up at his bedroom window, when we walked past his house. I hope I get to see him tomorrow on our walk, as we missed out on catching up with each other last week. His mummy walks him later than my Mummy walks me, but his mummy works on Fridays so she has to walk him earlier before she goes to work! I wuv seeing him on Fridays AND we usually meet up at the weekends too! Mummy’s telling me to hurry up as she still has quite a lot to do, so I’ll finish barking here for now! Actually, I’m beginning to get a little more vocal and doing OUT LOUD barking, rather than my silent bark all the time! I think it’s because I know this is MY forever home and I feel so comfortable and happy here... Mummy was told it would take over six months for me to fully settle and I’ve been here over seven months now! I wuv living here with my Mummy and Daddy; I’m SUCH a lucky girl! Here I go again, barking on and on! I REALLY will stop now and let Mummy do what she’s got to do! Have a wuvely Thursday, everybody and keep those tails wagging! BOL! Kisses and licks, Brenna
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 09:29:11 +0000

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