Hello everybody. How was your Sunday? Mine was doing some pictures - TopicsExpress


Hello everybody. How was your Sunday? Mine was doing some pictures to delete from my laptop and then chilly with editing and writing my Who Am I? poetry. I want to share the great vocabulary words from King James Version Bible with you all. Here you go: Brethren-brother Thou-you, used as the subject of a verb Shalt-shall, used with thou Thy-your Sake-purpose or reason Ye-you and the Unto-to Morn-morning Verily-truly Whosoever and whoever-any person that Hath-has Thee-you, used as the object of a verb Thine-yours Art-are, used with thou Thence-from that place; from there Uttermost-same as utmost-farthest and greatest Heathen-pagan Hallowed-honor as holy Lo-look! and see! Perish-die Forswear-to swear to give up something Thyself-yourself Oath-a serious promise Canst-can, used with thou Yea-yes Nay-no Doth-do Smite-to affect in a sudden and strong way Reap-to gather; harvest Thereof-of that; of it Saith-says Rend-to pull apart with great force Thereat-there Strait-trouble or need Descended-to move down to a lower place O-oh Wherefore-why Arise-rise; ascend-rise Staves-staff Enquire-same as Abide-stay; dwell Salute-to show honor and respect for Tolerable-not too bad and not too good Midst-the middle Sparrow-songbird with short beak Therefore-for this reason Confess-admit a fault Whereof-of what, which, or whom Have a good Sunday night. :) Yours, Loi
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:37:44 +0000

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