Hello everybody! It’s a wuvely sunny start to the week and, - TopicsExpress


Hello everybody! It’s a wuvely sunny start to the week and, although, there’s a feeling of autumn on the air, Mummy says that more hot weather is forecast for the week! Hmmppphh! I hope it isn’t too hot; it’s been just perfect for me over the past few days! I had a wuvely weekend but poor Mummy wasn’t feeling very well. She’s feeling a lot better today, but I can tell that she’s not totally back to her usual self yet! I shall make a point of looking after her and giving her extra cuddles (when I’m awake, that is! BOL!). We went out for an afternoon walk yesterday as it was cooler and I enjoyed it a lot! It didn’t break into my snoozing time like the evening walks do BUT there were no cats to play with, or those we saw just weren’t in the mood for our favourite game! They were too engrossed in sitting in the sun! It was back to normal this morning and I’m happy to say the score was: Brenna – 2 / Cats – 0! The balance has started to turn in my favour! The difference now is that we are all so used to one another that it IS just a game, which takes a little bit of the excitement away, I suppose! We saw Clancy up at his window, now that he’s reclaimed it, following the visit of his mummy’s grandchildren. When I saw him at the weekend, he said that he was pleased to have his seat back BUT while the children were there, they played with him! In the evenings, he would choose a toy from his toy box and then go outside with the toy and with the children to play with it! He tried it with his mummy and daddy but they have other things they have to do, so he thinks he’ll have to wait for the children to come and visit again to before he gets to play the game again. We met up with Scruffy on the bridge part of the walk and stopped for a chat. Scruffy had managed to keep cleaner today, so he was hopeful that he would escape a bath! I guess I’m quite lucky! I’m not supposed to have too many baths... Cairns should be bathed no more than 4 times a year! It doesn’t mean I’m a smelly girl! My Daddy grooms me every week and I have a dry shampoo and a coat conditioner too. It stops my skin drying out and making me uncomfortable! Once we’d seen Scruffy, of course, I wanted to turn around and go home! I think Mummy has gathered that he’s the main reason I want to extend my walk! He’s NOT my boyfuriend; he’s just a youngster, but we get on well and enjoy having a chat. Mummy will be very busy again this week, as she has her work and the cross stitch commission to work on too! I’m very good when Mummy’s working but we always find time for a play with my tuggies and some cuddles. Daddy cuddles me more now, as I go to him and ask him to! I’m a lucky girl to be wuved so much and I wuv Mummy and Daddy too! I was wuved where I lived before but there were too many doggies to get much individual attention. Now, ALL the attention is mine and I wuv it! Mummy and Daddy don’t let me get my own way, though, and it’s better that way as I would turn into a REAL Cairn Terror! This way, we all know what to expect from one another and it makes us all very happy! It’s time now for a snooze, so I’ll go and have one and let Mummy get on with some work! I’m looking forward to hearing all about how you are spending your days. Whatever you are doing, I hope you are very waggy-tailed! BOL! Kisses and licks, Brenna
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:12:04 +0000

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