Hello everybody. This is an excerpt from the denial of clemency - TopicsExpress


Hello everybody. This is an excerpt from the denial of clemency decision statement of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger which details his decision to not grant gubernatorial relief to Stanley Tookie Williams death penalty clemency request. For those of you who dont know, Stanley Williams co-founded (along with Raymond Washington) the bloody, notorious street gang called the Crips in 1969 in Los Angeles. A street gang which still exists in large numbers throughout the United States today. Williams was convicted of brutally murdering four people during two separate armed robberies in February and March 1979. A California jury sentenced him to death and he was executed by lethal injection on December 13, 2005. Please note the specific reasons why Governor Schwarzenegger denied Williams request for relief from his death sentence. They sound eerily similar to what we dont hear from Darlie Routier, her family and her supporters, imo. Can Darlie Routier ever hope to be granted clemency from new Texas Governor Greg Abbott without learning from the mistakes of Stanley Williams, concerning his complete lack of remorse, nor taking of responsibility and confessing to his own heinous acts? Keep in mind Stanley Williams went to the execution chamber still proclaiming his innocence. He was heartless to the end. Posted on Mon, Dec. 12, 2005 [Former California] Governor Schwarzeneggers clemency decision statement STATEMENT OF DECISION FROM GOV. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER ON REQUEST FOR CLEMENCY BY STANLEY WILLIAMS Now, his appeals exhausted, Williams seeks mercy in the form of a petition for clemency. He claims that he deserves clemency because he has undergone a personal transformation and is redeemed, and because there were problems with his trial that undermine the fairness of the jurys verdict. Williams case has been thoroughly reviewed in the 24 years since his convictions and death sentence. In addition to his direct appeal to the California Supreme Court, Williams has filed five state habeas corpus petitions, each of which has been rejected. The federal courts have also reviewed his convictions and death sentence. Williams filed a federal habeas corpus petition, and the U.S. District Court denied it. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed this decision. In all, Williams case has been the subject of at least eight substantive judicial opinions. The claim that Williams received an unfair trial was the subject of this extensive litigation in the state and federal courts. The courts considered the sufficiency of his counsel, the strategic nature of counsels decisions during the penalty phase of Williams trial, the adequacy and reliability of testimony from informants, whether Williams was prejudiced by security measures employed during his trial, whether he was competent to stand trial, whether the prosecutor impermissibly challenged potential jurors on the basis of race, and whether his jury was improperly influenced by Williams threats made against them. There is no need to rehash or second guess the myriad findings of the courts over 24 years of litigation. The possible irregularities in Williams trial have been thoroughly and carefully reviewed by the courts, and there is no reason to disturb the judicial decisions that uphold the jurys decisions that he is guilty of these four murders and should pay with his life. The basis of Williams clemency request is not innocence. Rather, the basis of the request is the personal redemption Stanley Williams has experienced and the positive impact of the message he sends. But Williams claim of innocence remains a key factor to evaluating his claim of personal redemption. It is impossible to separate Williams claim of innocence from his claim of redemption. Based on the cumulative weight of the evidence, there is no reason to second guess the jurys decision of guilt or raise significant doubts or serious reservations about Williams convictions and death sentence. He murdered Albert Owens and Yen-I Yang, Yee-Chen Lin and Tsai-Shai Lin in cold blood in two separate incidents that were just weeks apart. But Williams claims that he is particularly deserving of clemency because he has reformed and been redeemed for his violent past. Williams claim of redemption triggers an inquiry into his atonement for all his transgressions. Williams protests that he has no reason to apologize for these murders because he did not commit them. But he is guilty and a close look at Williams post-arrest and post conviction conduct tells a story that is different from redemption. After Williams was arrested for these crimes, and while he was awaiting trial, he conspired to escape from custody by blowing up a jail transportation bus and killing the deputies guarding the bus. There are detailed escape plans in Williams own handwriting. Williams never executed this plan, but his co-conspirator implicated Williams in the scheme. The fact that Williams conspired to murder several others to effectuate his escape from jail while awaiting his murder trial is consistent with guilt, not innocence. And the timing of the motel murders--less than two weeks after the murder of Albert Owens--shows a callous disregard for human life. Is Williams redemption complete and sincere, or is it just a hollow promise? Stanley Williams insists he is innocent, and that he will not and should not apologize or otherwise atone for the murders of the four victims in this case. Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings there can be no redemption. In this case, the one thing that would be the clearest indication of complete remorse and full redemption is the one thing Williams will not do. Clemency decisions are always difficult, and this one is no exception. After reviewing and weighing the showing Williams has made in support of his clemency request, there is nothing that compels me to nullify the jurys decision of guilt and sentence and the many court decisions during the last 24 years upholding the jurys decision with a grant of clemency. Therefore, based on the totality of circumstances in this case, Williams request for clemency is denied.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:01:36 +0000

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