Hello everyone, I hope that this post finds everyone well and - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, I hope that this post finds everyone well and Happy. The fact that I am here writing this Makes it obvious that I am still waiting on the transplant list for my new heart. Its hard to truly imagine what patience is until you wait for something so incredible that it is hard to imagine ever getting it. Everybody here on my facebook knows that I miss being on here some days and sometimes it runs into days at a time, Many times it is related to some medical glitch or as I refer to them as bumps in the road, Occasionally I miss a few days due to my mind getting the better of me. Lots of you have said I inspire you when things are tough and that is fantastic, I am always in favor of making a smile or relieving some of the tensions that come with life. I try to maintain a positive attitude and look at the glass as half full all the time. It warms my heart to know that my words are able to let someone live a few moments outside of their pain or outside of all the stress or to even have a few minutes where they are able to laugh and not have to worry about the world around them. I have learned so much here from so many of you that it would take a month to list it all, I have learned that there are many many people who are far worse off than me in so many ways, There are many who are in worse pain than me who put it aside and go to work every day. I know there are a lot of you right here that put aside your own worries and problems to post a note to me wishing me well and praying for my heart. So many of you who have taken the time to send me a card with a note and care boxes with goodies and Tony Stewart items knowing they are going to make me smile. There are those of you who have taken the time to call me when you havnt seen me on in a couple of days hoping with all hope that I wont answer because I have received a new heart and I am in ICU breaking it in. I miss days sometimes because I am overwhelmed with what is going on and am having a hard time coping, I go through a roller coaster of emotions that take me up then drop me off into a low spot that I have a hard time climbing out of. So far I have been able to work my way through each time that it has happened but I have had help, help from the Doctors here and help from friends, real help that looking back, I often wonder if I would have come through those really hard times without the help I had or would I have just continued downward until I reached a place that I could not get free of. lol, the reason for my sharing all of this with you is simple, During this time waiting I have found that I actually can inspire people to look beyond what hurts them, to look at a sunrise rather than dwell on a rainy day. I am going to keep doing that all I can and I dont want to stop after my transplant. I have always been a workaholic but I truly want to take the time that I need to continue helping others. It doesnt matter what the venue will be, I would like to start a blog type website , maybe a forum of some kind. I now have a twitter account that Leslie is helping me set up and get functioning, And I want to actually build a website at some point. Naturally I have been rambling quite a lot here, I never seem to have a shortage of words. So I want to ask you my friends, If you have a few moments to spare, let me hear your suggestions for how I can continue inspiring people, how can I continue using that ability to make people feel good, to make them forget about life and all the negatives that they are undergoing. You all know how I am with words, I also have some training in public speaking through Toastmasters International. I want to start looking at ideas now because if I have a plan prior to getting out of here then I will follow up with it but if I dont have a real plan then life takes over and I dont want that to happen. I want to pass it forward so give me your thoughts and ideas please. If you dont want them seen the message me but I truly do want all possible ideas so I can start thinking about life after hospital. Thank you all for being my friends and God Bless.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:20:22 +0000

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