Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good week. Sorry for the late - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good week. Sorry for the late update, im running behind. Lena bug is doing pretty good. We have been working hard on her eating and she is really getting the hang of it. I found a place here to bring Lena next week to get her new AFOs. While I was at the doctor I saw they sold the shoes and decided to ask if they did them for kids. They didnt but they got in touch with the company they use and found out they accept Lenas insurance. I cant wait to get her new ones. We got Elis school stuff pretty much finished. He went and had some testing done to make sure he is up to date. Im pretty sure he will pass, that boy is incredibly smart. I found out after my mri that my Achilles tendon is not only torn but the connective fibers are also torn. They had to recast my foot today because not only do I still not have feeling in my toes but I also cant bend it at a 90 degree angle. I have to go back in about 2 weeks to see if I can get put into the boot cast thing. I will have to stay off of it for 6 weeks and cant put any weight on it. I know it wasnt the worst news I could have got but it still hurts my heart. I know I will get through this but it will be really hard to do. I was able to move my job interview to next week but I havent told them that I cant put weight on it for 6 weeks and im scared to tell her. I pray she still gives me a chance and hires me. I know im not the ideal employee right now but I would work my butt off for sure. I need this job so badly, our entire family does. I am trying really hard not to slip to a dark place, a place where I am just crushed and scared. I feel worthless and helpless. I seem to be holding my family back with all my health problems. If I had just been thinking, this wouldnt have happened. I wouldnt have fallen and gotten hurt. I dont know if my heart could take not getting this job. Im terrified that I am actually the problem. Thinking positive is hard these days. Im so angry with myself. I just wish things would go well for once. This has been going on my whole life. Always fighting to get ahead, always struggling. I dont know how much one person can take. Then I get even more angry at myself because lets be honest, I dont have it so bad. So many others out there worse off than me. Who am I to complain? I hate this. Nothing I do is right. Nothing I do is good enough. Im really trying to work on myself but its difficult, so very difficult. Im just hanging on for dear life. Clinging to my babies and taking it day by day. I gotta get through this funk and stop pitying myself. I will get there some how. Gonna dust myself off and face the world head on. If we came this far, we will make it. Im just happy my babies are doing well. Since moving to Florida, she has gotten quite better in many areas. I thank God for that. It lets me know that no matter how hard things are rigjt now, I did make the right decision. That has been a huge weight off my shoulders. I want to thank you all. Thank you for always being here. Thank you for putting up with me and not giving uo on us. Thank you for having faith in me, it means more than you possibly know. Im gonna get off here and try to rest. I hurt like crazy and need to prop my foot up. Please pray Lena continues to do well. Please also prag Arthyr gets the job he is interviewing for next week as well. It would be much better pay than he makes now and would be full time. We really need this to happen. Have a wonderful weekend. I will update soon. God Bless Love, The Price Family
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:55:47 +0000

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