Hello everyone, Im trying to help out my friend through - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, Im trying to help out my friend through bio-nuerofeedback and Im concerned he is just declining and nothing can be done to help him. He has tested IgG positive for lyme disease, although reference samples have made that negative, he has had high alpha-globulin as well as high CRP, and a history of cognitive problems [diffuse theta slowing on previous eegs]. Anyway this is his recent EEG, appreciate your understanding [his brain was also swollen in the right region] Urgent Impatient EEG James was brought to the department in a wheel-char but he is usually mobile. he was alert and cooperative, but complained of memory problems. The EEG is dominated by a well-formed and sustained alpha rhythm at about 9-10Hz and up to 70uV, which is symmetrical and responsive. Low-voltage fast rhythms at 14-22 Hz are diffuse while a fair amount of irregular theta activity is widely scattered and at times underlie the ongoing dominant rhythm. Occasional, maturational-type slow waves underlie the post-temporal activities at times. On occasions, there is a subtle hint of an emphasis of the slow activities over the right posterior-temporal region. Mu rhythms at 9-10Hz intermittently occur centrally. A single burst of slow components at about 2.8Hz and up to 90uV stands out from the background over he right anterior-mid temporal region. A very good attempt at hyperventilation for 3 minutes mildly enhances the background slow activities, which also occur in a couple of fairly generalised bursts with frontal emphasis. During this procedure, he complained of dizziness and headache. Whilst the dizziness abated, he continued to complain of headache, sore head, pain in head after cessation of the exercise. Photic stimulation elicits well-formed, symmetrical following responses. Lead I ECG shows a sinus rhythm at about 84-88 beats per minute with a QTc interval of 0.401sec (The QTc was calculated from ECG Lead I using Bazetts formula: male
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:54:55 +0000

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