Hello everyone... It has been one week exactly when this journey - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone... It has been one week exactly when this journey began. I want to again thank everyone for their fervent prayers. Through various connections and prayer warriors across the country, we have literally thousands of people praying for April. I would like to ask everyone please to continue. We are winning the battle to claim Aprils mind and body back from the ravages of this terrible affliction. I am so proud of her. She is so strong. She needs our prayer support to continue that strength so that she can recover from the stroke activity and surgery, and to have a meaningful 100% rehabilitation back to her full time role in our home with her children. Thank you for all youve done in lifting her up to The Lord. As for an update on her condition, nothing significant since Laura and Morrigans update. April couldnt ask for a more caring and loving mother and daughter. I wont overload you with the precise medical details. As you know she is off the ventilator and on a cpap. We are hoping to extubate her tomorrow. Shes been running a low grade fever, which is not uncommon for this situation. They are treating that and all of the various residuals going on resulting from a major stroke and subsequent inner cranial surgery. The good news is her superficial face swelling seems to be going down, and we are seeing the recovery of the brain swelling progressing as well. Tomorrow physical therapy will see us, as well as a scan of her arm and leg arteries. She enjoyed playing with her rings, and clutching her prayer quilt. She is very responsive, and answers questions with nods and winks. Makes hand and foot movements when asked. Keeps her eyes opens a lot, and answers her name. She recognizes us too. She is unresponsive to questions that require a no response, but that will come. She is in pain, obviously, which is being treated with medicine. But she is strong, and she is fighting. I can only imagine the confusion and fear she is facing. But all of you are helping that with prayer, and as a result she is fighting and winning. My dear April likely has a long road of recovery ahead, but it is a road we look forward to traveling. And in the end, by the grace of our merciful Lord who will see us through this deep valley, we will be victorious. Good night friends, thank you, and we love you.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:43:40 +0000

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