Hello everyone! Ive been following this page for a couple of - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone! Ive been following this page for a couple of months now and finally had the chance to post. Its long but I promise worth reading. My daughter Sabrina is 15 years old and was diagnosed with an avm 12/10/13. She was 14 when it happened and she was 100 percent healthy. I never heard of this diagnosis and Ive been in the medical field for 15 years. I had noticed 2 months before Sabrina suffered her bleed that she was looking fatigued and she would often complain of feeling faint when standing for long periods of time. I decided to schedule her for a physical exam with her pediatrician. However, one day she started having real bad headaches with some vomiting and they continued for a few days. Until one day I took her to our nearest urgent care and they diagnosed her with migraines gave her a prescription and sent us on our way. Later that evening she was screaming in pain and started vomiting. Sabrina lied on the couch and began to pass out I called 911 as im on the phone she was starting to slur her speech and speak nonsense. She began to have a seizure and luckily thats when EMS showed up and they started CPR on her after being non responsive and she was in cardiac arrest! It was very devastating to see my baby loosing her life when just minutes before she was normal watching tv. Sabrina was stabilized in the ER and the doctors informed me she was having a stroke caused by an aneurysm because of the avm. I swear I was trying to really think God tell me Im in some kind of nightmare because I,m watching my daughter in a coma whos about to have a hole drilled in her head to relieve pressure in her brain. I was told she would die if we didnt transfer her to childrens hospital nearby she needed brain surgery right away. I was basically given hardly any hope because her bleed had been massive and her avm is located in her brainstem, inoperable!. Thank God it was embolized and they did remove some clots. Sabrina is diagnosed a quadriplegic, ventilator dependent, vision, hearing and speech loss, and has a gastric tube(gtube). Sabrina 9 months later can stand and walk about 40 ft approx. she can speak, her vision and hearing improving very well, off the ventilator 18 hours a day, is 100% aware and coherent. Sabrina is in a freshman in high school has school every day here in the subacute facility because she intends to get her diploma and if our heavenly father will bless us Sabrina will be home by December of this year. I apologize so long but I needed to share her experience. Which if anyone interested Sabrina experienced a near death experience while she was in cardiac arrest. The pictures below are as current, 30 days after her bleed and before her bleed
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:41:05 +0000

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