Hello everyone. Ray Ray and me miss everyone. We have been very - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone. Ray Ray and me miss everyone. We have been very busy with mom lately. Her not feeling too well and Raven isnt either. They both are cuddled up on the couch or in the bed together with blankets and the tv and meds and sleeping and I am loving on the both of them keeping them company, All they do is snore and sleep. Mom snores the most and the loudest. But they are both better everyday. Its all because of my good loving and me taking good care of them. Raven loves to lick all over us and that is cause her is getting such good loving and such good treatment from mom and me. Princess is what she is. I am the Prince and she is the Princess. When I was sick with my ear they did they treated me the same way. Mom even gives us some warm food since we have been sick. Oh the life of spoiled pugs. Today I heard mom tell Gma and Papa that she found another lump on Raven. She has one on her back and now there is one on her side. She said it is in her skin cause she can pick it up with her skin and can feel it that way and its not on the bone. We will let everyone know what it is when we find out what it is. Charren try not to worry mom says cause she really believes it is in the skin. And we will let you know first thing. We send our love and pug hugs to you all and hope this finds everyone healthly . Raven sends special pug love and pug hugs to Charren and family with a bunch of kisses.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 01:23:54 +0000

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