Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly Illumination reading! What - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly Illumination reading! What a beautiful week we have ahead of us! One where we nourish and value those wonderful friendships … one where we shed our burdens to let our light shine and where we become the beacon for love to come back into our lives. Love is always there and it’s always flowing… it’s just that we forget that we are love when we are caught up with the everyday stuff. As I write this, I can just feel how wonderful, powerful and deeply peaceful the love is… so instead of rushing on to read the next post, take a minute to breathe.. take a moment to relax…let go…. and just be…. be with me… and be in the flow of love Have a truly magical week… My love and hugs, Sally xxx Friendship Monday - Wednesday “Under moonlit sky and from sparkling waters, her glowing beauty emerges onto land. And with only a single stray cat to witness her presence, her mythical being remains unseen to unbelieving minds whilst friendships are born of the heart.” There is nothing more beautiful than a friendship born of the heart … of finding those connections where you just know each other, with no need for words, introductions or small talk. Your heart does the talking and everything just falls into place. These are the true friendships to cherish and open yourself up within. These are your soul sisters and brothers. You encourage each other, you laugh, you play you share, you support and you love… and there is no envy, resentment, judgement or expectations held. You simply are, and you simply be. Look around you during the early part of this week and feel what is happening. Are you being drawn to new people and circles and are you finding that old friendships are fading? This is all part of the cycle of growth and awakening in your life… and it’s natural. There is nothing to be guilty about if you feel you no longer resonate or enjoy certain company, but you must be honest with yourself about how you feel. Why are you afraid to speak up your truth? Are you feeling bound by duty or afraid of what people will say about you? Their reaction is their issue, not yours. Spread your wings and free yourself up for the friendships that nourish you, that bring you joy, that aren’t hard work or loaded with expectations and conditions. When you surround yourself with your soul family, you are never alone and no matter how much time passes, the love is always there and you just pick up where you left off. These are the souls that bring you the true gift of friendship…. and yet your best friend through life is the call of your own heart. Shining Light Wednesday - Friday “Deep earthly reds rooting and fading unite in painted sky with spiritual blues, translucent and ascending. As the Divine beauty of sunset fades, it becomes the stage for our stellar homes to sparkle and greet us from afar. We are of stardust. We are of the light.” The middle of the week is going to see you shine! It’s almost going to feel like you’ve turned a corner and the things that have been niggling you suddenly fall away and your light is free to shine. You feel yourself in the flow and you suddenly get it. It’s about being, and not doing. When you radiate, when you let your own energy flow, when you let the love in and detach from the modern way of doing things, your whole energy and being expands with joy and you feel taller, lighter, stronger, more positive and yet deeply peaceful. Let go of the “Have to’s…” Change your mind about how you approach your life. Yes, the bills still have to be paid and the kids have to be picked up from school… but if you drop the illusion of duty, guilt and pressure, you can choose to do all these chores from a different point of being… and your energy will soar in delight. There will be good days and not so good days, but just let the light into your life and feel the love and the surge of empowerment it brings to your being. Shine, beautiful souls … shine your light out to the world and let your light ignite the spark within others. True Love Friday - Sunday “Our one eternal love is waiting in the ether for that sacred moment of recognition. With such divine union comes the perfection of soul as journeys are shared and truest love experienced so vibrations of joy can soar around the world in celebrations of twin flames’ reunion.” Aha! Here we are again with another weekend of True Love! How lucky are we! You see what happens when you let your light shine?! You radiate love and so you attract love. It’s the Universal Law of attraction…. what you put out, you receive! If you are looking for love, for that special partner to share your life with… stop looking! Instead, find the joy and the love for life yourself and let your beautiful heart be the beacon to call the love in to you. The more desperate you are to find love, the more elusive it becomes. If you are in a relationship that has become ‘boring’ or staid… be the one to bring it back to life. Don’t wait for your partner to take the initiative… you are the one with the awareness of what’s going on… so find a babysitter, book a restaurant or make your own romantic evening at home… even having just one candle lit in the corner can totally change the energy and atmosphere of a room.. It’s not the expense that matters, it’s the thought that goes into it and the love that radiates through. Don’t let your love fade away through the monotony of everyday routine … bring your heart and souls back to life… bring your souls back to love … and be amazed at how everything around you picks up. Everything becomes more colourful, more beautiful… life is good again, you have energy, you have excitement and you have love. Remember what this feels like? Well, you can create this everyday in your life, and you can make this your ‘normal’. Make this weekend, the weekend where you step into being love and let it pervade every area of your life from now on. It’s your life and it’s your choice … choose LOVE! SCT xxx
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:03:48 +0000

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