Hello everyone and welcome to the next episode of Nicks movie - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone and welcome to the next episode of Nicks movie critique! Tonight I will be evaluating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The key to watching a movie like this is to remember that it is based purely off of a nostalgic franchise; hence, it should be taken likely and over-observed. There are things that purely dont make sense, but I will overlook them purely due to the fact that it is a movie based on mutant turtles. That being said, lets begin: 1.) Despite a lot of the crap that he gets for being a repetitive director, I still respect Micheal Bay for his outstanding oversight of CGI in films. I, personally, am not a huge fan of immense amounts of CGI, but if I have to see it, I want it to be in a Micheal Bay movie. I feel that the computerized anatomy of the turtles fit well with the overall idea: if they have to be ninja turtles, make them awesome. 2.) There is a ridiculous amount of obnoxious shaky cam in the opening live action scene, but it seems to cease later on. 3.) A couple things about the asain chick actress: -she over acts; its annoying. She is a sub-leader of a gang, and her script calls for peculiar militant orders like retreat. It made no sense. -She could have looked much better if her hair stylist cut her hair just above shoulder length, started the red dye a little higher, and gotten rid of the pony tail on top. She has a very predominant jaw line cheek bone structure. The shorter hair would have looked soooo much better that way. Im thinking of the same haircut Olivia Wilde has in Tron in case I lost you. 4.) The script and emotions for the turtle characters was excellent. Well done; I was impressed with a lot of the humor. 5.) The actor that plays Mr. Sacks is fantastic. He continues to impress me in his career. 6.) I was speaking earlier about the excellent job the CGI team did with the turtles. The reason I dont like much CGI is due to the fact that it is very hit or miss. While the turtles were very good, I feel that splinter could have used more work. He didnt have enough hair or contrast in the coloration of the skin, and it looked awkward. Keep working on it. 7.) They used So Happy Together by The Turtles. I see what you did there. I love this song. Its from the 1960s and is one of the only songs I know to feature a bassoon and oboe solo during one of the verses. Consider yourself educated. Overall, I feel like they did a good job for what they had to work with. There are plenty of other things I could talk about like some of the actions by Megan Fox or the script for the blonde roommate, but like I said: I am willing to overlook some things due to the source material they had to work with. I would not recommend in theaters (due to the expensive nature of movie tickets). Wait until you can get it from red box or something for much cheaper. You should definitely still watch it, though. Have a nice night!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 05:56:08 +0000

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