Hello everyone, as you can see my name is Sam Claunch. So I wont - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, as you can see my name is Sam Claunch. So I wont go so far as to introduce myself. I am somewhat new to this group and I enjoy reading the stories and posts of the members of the LDS church around the globe. I would like to thank all of you for your contribution to this page. It has helped me in a few dire situations to remember the good in people, and to not hate them for what they do not necessarily do on purpose. Now, I would like to share a story of my own so I can officially in my opinion become a member of this page. I am 17 years old and am currently a member of the Priests Quorum in my ward in Katy, Texas. As my fellow Priests ready for their missions as they finish their Senior year of High school, I get to observe the willingness in their eyes as they prepare to serve in missions around the globe stretching from Argentina to London, England and then back to California in the United States. I am about to turn the age of 18 this July, and even though I would be the minimum required age to serve, I still have half a year of High School left starting next school year before I can even start getting my mission papers completed. I am currently having to deal with the affects of ADHD, Bipolar, and Anxiety disorders. I am medicated for all three of them and have been since the age of 6. Now having said that, I can now say that I would most likely not be able to serve in a foreign mission outside the United States. I have witnessed the good in my fellow Quorum members and I can see them doing great works on their missions. And seeing them so strong gives me the inspiration that I need to become the same. I have already started to work harder at living out my Priesthood callings to the best of my ability. I have gone through more than most people would because I have been blessed with my disorders, and having to explain them to anybody outside my family is not a valid option. Now, I would like to make mention of my sister. She is currently the age of 19 and has sent in her mission papers for which she is still awaiting a response after turning them in 1 month ago. We have talked to the Bishop that presides over our Ward, and we have even had a meeting with our Stake President to inquire about the status to where she might be sent. They have said that it is most unusual that it would take this long and that they have never had something like this happen before while they or the previous Bishops and Stake Presidents have been called to their current office to serve in their calling. My sister has ADHD, Bipolar, and Anxiety as well. And she has progressed to the point that marks time in her life where she has changed her life in a very positive way. She reads the scriptures every day, she goes out to serve with the sister missionaries every week, and she waits patiently with faith she will be called to somewhere she needs to go. She is the most important example for me because she has suffered like I have with her mental disabilities, but she has moved on to a greater period in life. For those of you who read this and have struggled in this life, there are people out there who deal with the same things as you, and sometimes more. The best thing you can do is strive to live in line with the gospel, and abide by its teachings. By doing that you will find joy and happiness in this life, and you will shine for others who are drifting or lost, and are straying from the Gospel at a distance. I would advise all of you to find a friend as well. Someone who you can go to in a time of need. Whether they be in your family, or out in the world, find someone who understands. But start with your relationship with God. For he is the one individual who is always there. He loves us all, and he will forgive us for the sins that we have committed. Now I would like to recognize my friends, Weston Sundwall, Jaxon Curtis, Scott Fairwell, and Tim Swingle, who are the members in my Quorum who will be leaving on missions to Denver Colorado, California, London England, and Argentina. I wish them the best as they prepare for one of the greatest moments in their lives. The callings are in order with the names of my friends. I would also like to recognize my older sister, Camille. She is going to do great things. I just know it. And I wish her the best. If the people I have named could see this post, I know they would appreciate it, and know that I only want the best for my friends. And if any of you know these amazing youth who are about to become men and a woman, please congratulate them and know that they are fulfilling what we have come here to do. I say thank you to those who have read this, and I wish this helps anyone in need get back to where we have all been working to go. I love the Church with all of my heart, and I know that it is true. Please follow the Saviors teachings, for they will bring you happiness even in dark places. I have read the Book of Mormon and I believe it is the true doctrine of the Lords teachings. I am a youth in the church just like so many, and I know that I have great potential, as I have been born into this world at a crucial time. I am preparing what I can for a mission, and I know many more are too, so that when the time is right I will be ready to serve the Lord and his people upon this Earth. I say these things in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 00:44:02 +0000

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