Hello everyone, i hope you areall enjoying your extended weekend - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, i hope you areall enjoying your extended weekend , i know i am. last friday we had the health inspector pay us a visit for his annual inspection . this is not unusual but this time it was our own shire health inpector peter williams who came and saw us . Big deal you say , well it is a big deal ,Mellissa and i have owned the bakery for over eight years now and we have been inspected three maybe four times in that period which is pretty poor , but the inspections have always been done by health inspectors from perth which i guess the moora shire has paid for , but this time our own health inspector has done the inspection which is a good thing. anyone who wants to can open up a food shop (bakery ,pizza , takeaway or whatever ) and you dont need any formal qualifications to do so , so the health inspector is a vital part of ensuring that food standards are adhered to and if they are visiting only once every couple of years it leaves the door open to some pretty average operators . Going into a food shop , restaurant or whatever you should automatically assume that the food you are eating is of a high standard and that it wont give you food poisoning , but if no one is monitoring the food standards who knows what will happen ? We as a bakery and restaurant should be getting inspected every couple of months (if not monthly ) as should any cafe ,takeaway shop ,pub or business that deals in selling food ,and we are getting inspected once every two years which is not exactly setting the bar high. Ring the shire when they open up on tuesday and tell them that you would like inspections done on a more regular basis on all food premises in Moora ,it really is in your own interest if you buy food from any places that deals in food and that includes supermarkets . We passed our inspection with the healthy being very pleased with our standards which is what i would expect , but we still got picked for a couple of small things. in our walk in fridge and freezers we have been putting chips in their boxes straight onto the floor ( in their cardboard boxes ) which apparently is a no no so we have to get pallets to lift anything we store off the floor which is a new one to me , but if the healthy had not come for a look we would not have done anything about it or even known about it for that matter . so once again , ring the shire , go talk to them ,tell your councillors , that you want food premises inspected on a regular basis. it really is in your own interest . Lars
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:21:30 +0000

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