Hello everyone, thank you for all the prayers, words of support, - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone, thank you for all the prayers, words of support, and encouragement I have been receiving. I really appreciate hearing back from you. It helps me. This has been a pretty good week. I finally got to see my children. It was so wonderful to hold them and snuggle with them. I have spent a lot of time reading books to them this week. I have also been able to have more physical contact with Kelly. No kissing or anything gross like that, but just sitting right next to her, her putting her head on my shoulder, or hugging is wonderful after not being able to do that at the hospital is wonderful. We even break the rules sometimes and hold hands! Ahhh, the life of a recovering bone marrow transplant patient. Having the kids here is nice but it is also a little exhausting. I often need to go and just lie down for 15 – 20 minutes after spending a lot of time with them. My body is not used to so much activity yet. It is also frustrating following the rules because I am not supposed to do food prep, food cleaning, any kind of laundry, changing diapers, cleaning, etc. I feel about a useful as a bump on a log and often feel bad for Kelly having to take care of both kids and me. I try to keep the kids occupied before and after meals so Kelly can get it done as fast as possible but I am not always able. She is being a champ though and besides doing everything, is remaining a rock I can lean on if I need support. Medically, the doctor says he is very encouraged by my progress and lab results. I had an endoscopy today to check for graft vs. host disease in my stomach. It was very easy, as I was knocked out. I was not deeply knocked out but out none the less. We had a bit of a struggle yesterday as we had less than 24 hours to plan for it and I needed someone there during the procedure and we were not bringing the children into the hospital. Sick people are there! Also a waiting room is no place for two small children for almost 4 hours. We knew we would face challenges like this when we brought the kids up and luckily my mom was able to come up last minute and came to the hospital with me. I am still feeling fatigued easily, though not as bad as last week, and not sleeping well at all lately but I take regular short naps during the day and that seems to help (or may be the cause?). I have not vomited or gagged in several days which is always nice. Hopefully my brother’s bone marrow cells play nice with my system and we do not have any major graft vs. host disease effects but I feel confident if we do, the doctors can take care of it quickly! Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers, they are all needed and appreciated! Aaron
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:35:51 +0000

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