Hello face book friends - Seems like I have been helping an awful - TopicsExpress


Hello face book friends - Seems like I have been helping an awful lot of people lately who think their pcs are broke and all I do is clean all this junk off and they tell me how great their computer runs since I fixed it. Biggest complaint I hear is my pc doesnt run as fast as it used to . Please note that 99% of the time it is just all this junk they have that I clean off that fixes it. Recently I have remotely fixed many computers just by doing that. To those of you complaining about weird behavior on their pcs and laptops lately.. Facebook has increased the number of ads it injects onto our pages in facebook. Clicking on them or liking them can often link to websites that your virus scanner or malware scanner isnt sure of. Hence the beeps and warnings that your virus scanner is doing its work. And there are those pictures that people love to post directly from other websites that regularly post images or photos on your webpage linking you to other websites and leaving cookies on your pc that your virus scanner does not trust as well. Lots of traffic like that can slow down your pc as it keeps that virus scanner so busy trying to keep you out of trouble. Lastly, uninstall all those extra tool bars ( use remove programs) seems everyone downloads them every time they download a game or program. ( Just say no when they ask you if you want their tool bar too when installing those things ) . Just don’t load them. They add more cookies and leave all kinds of tracking on your pc using your resources , slowing your pc performance down and they often conflict with each other. Clean your cookies and temp files daily and watch how much faster your PC will run. Brenda Liveoak
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 22:15:02 +0000

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