Hello family!!! This week was crazy! So something that stood out - TopicsExpress


Hello family!!! This week was crazy! So something that stood out this week was a lesson we did on the street! This woman walked up to us randomly and talked about Heavenly Mother, and the sabbath and the God Head being one.. It was so exciting! I understood! haha We explained that God and Jesus were separate beings! And as she listed bible scriptures that talked about them being 1, I shared my testimony to her that they work as one heart and mind, and they are separate beings due to visions and words of our prophet. And we talked abou the Book of Mormon how it helps us to understand the bible so much easier! We also expressed our love and how much God loves her. She stopped and thought for a moment. Then rejected the feeling of the spirit and started to strongly express why her belief was right. I share this because, It made me think, how do I know these things are true? How did I know in that moment that they were separate beings? I thought and Its because Joseph Smith saw them as separate beings. I realized on my mission my testimony of Joseph Smiths vision has grown so much. I know That He was a true prophet! I love this gospel! We are also planning a Halloween party! Koreans dont really know what that is! We are excited to have our members experience that! This week Winter came in a flash! Its pouring rain! now freezing winter yet! But that is just around the corner! We went around to our members houses last night playing guitar and singing the only song I know how to play on it.... I HOPE THEY CALL ME ON A MISSION! haha :) One of our members Sons are getting baptized this weekend and They asked us to play! AH!!! I have never played guitar before! PRAY FOR ME! We are working with our investigator Jenny! She is doing so well! I have high hope in her! We found her from old investigator sheets! And she wants this for her son. So we are doing Family Home Evenings with her! She is doing great! Something Fun about Korea: My companion told me that when people in korea are pregnant, they have a dream, For example, my companions mom had a dream about a baby tiger and that morning she just new she was pregnant! And she was!!! Then Her aunt has a dream angels brought her a rainbow, it was the pregnant dream! haha Its pretty common here I guess! :) Well! Holly did you have a pregnant dream? Something I learned This week. Isaiah Chapter 42 I think it talks about babylon fighting for our devotion. Why do you think Satan would fight for our devotion? Maybe because he knows our potential just as much as God knows. And if we think for a moment, anything we do put our heart might mind and strength in becomes outstanding! Heavenly Father and Jesus Constanly remind us to TRY with all that we have to do just that! Focus our everything on them. I love you All SO MUCH!!! :) Sister Jensen Love my new dress thanks Jess :) This is our member, all the old people have glasses and a mag. glass! haha :)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:23:01 +0000

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