Hello family and friends! So, we have some baptisms coming up - TopicsExpress


Hello family and friends! So, we have some baptisms coming up next week! So exciting! A lady named Nelly Marie is a 27 year old. She has been taking lessons for about a month or so, but I’ve gotten to know her pretty well. She is rock solid and is so prepared for baptism. I can’t wait for the 21st of June! She really wants me to master the language, so she likes to teach me and correct me all the time. Nelly is very helpful, and I am so excited every time I get to visit. J Also there is a 10 year old girl named Allison who lives above our apartment. We just started teaching her, but she is definitely getting baptized soon! She has learned English, when she lived in the States, but Allison is very timid about speaking English (she is better than she thinks she is). We gave her a copy of the Picture Book of Mormon (in English) on Saturday. We talked to her at church the next day on Sunday. She informed us that she read the whole book…twice! Allison is so diligent! We gave her some questions to answer about the stories, and she answered them as well. So cute! This girl reminds me of Mckay somehow. J The people in Puerto Rico are very generous. They love to just talk and offer us food and drinks. IT’S AWESOME! Americans are so not like these people! Haha! Well, I guess they are still Americans, but the culture is so different. The food we have had at members houses has been so delicious. A lot of rice and beans, but who can complain when it is so gooooood! Mango has become my favorite fruit! If you find the right one without the fibers and is perfectly ripe, then I almost die when I take a bite! It is so sweet and rich! Gah! Love it! At many houses I have had avocado thank goodness. Here they grow very large and have a very thin skin, but it tastes the same. J I’ve learned how to make rice and beans. It makes me feel smart! Haha! When I get home I will have to share what I have learned. Haha! We have been visiting the Gonzalez family for the past 2 weeks. Alexis is a 13 years old boy, but looks more like 9 years old. Jenessa is 15 years old. They live with their parents, and have some cousins in the neighborhood. It is extremely hard to teach them, because they get distracted by neighbors, friends, and small children. It’s really sad that their neighbor neglects her 1 year old daughter, so Jenessa and her mom are always watching the toddler. The mom just drops off the baby and doesn’t come back for a few days or whatever. The Gonzalez family lives in a rough part of town. The houses are smaller and more packed together, and aren’t as well kept. The standards are very low in that part of town too. The father of the Gonzalez family has a drinking problem, and gets very angry. Last time when we were teaching, the dad and his brother walked by the house to drop off all the scrap metal they collected… He was very drunk and was yelling about something in Spanish and throwing the scraps around. The mom was embarrassed and quietly told us that we could come back next week at a better time. Apparently he likes to get drunk on weekends. The family loves to chat with us though, and they came to church with us last week. J Getting them baptized will be A LOT of work, but we can do it. Something I really need to work on is my communication skills. In English it is hard enough, but in Spanish it takes me down quite a few notches. I am trying to focus on building up my confidence, but not knowing the language is pretty frustrating. The members and other missionaries tell me just go for it and just say it. It’s hard to do, because a lot of the time I wouldn’t know what to say in even in English. Haha! Well, I’m going to come back different person.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:56:00 +0000

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