Hello fellow nairalanders,my name is Eti Umoren.Most Nigerians - TopicsExpress


Hello fellow nairalanders,my name is Eti Umoren.Most Nigerians know me,but if you dont,it means youve not heard about me or because maybe I have not helped you the way I help more and more Nigerians solve their problems easily.So,if you want to know me better,you can choose to relate your problems to me and I take over even if Im busy 70% of the time.Dont worry about my fees,I dont charge upfront fees because I love to prove to people that Im the best in what I do.So,I make money only if my clients make money.(Though my clients pay for the expenses involved in my helping them:hotel lodgings,transport fares,e.t.c). So,like I said,you dont know me until I help you(or you know me either because youve read or heard about me or perhaps youve been helped by me).I have practically helped many business people and investors and I can do business anywhere in the globe even if Im now in Port harcourt. These are the basic things I do: Help No1. I negotiate to reduce the price of anything of known value(property,cars,stock,business,commodity,art,e.t.c) by 5%. So,if you negotiate anything of high valuation,and you are ready to pay for it because you think its a bargain,call a man called Eti Umoren,hell talk to the dealer and in few minutes youll buy THE SAME CAR for 5% less.If its a $1million car(wow!),youll have $30,000 back.Stop wasting money! Help No.2: I consult and advise business people and investors for free.This consultations are worth several thousands per day,but to prove my worth,I have advised hundreds of investors and business people for free,unless in special cases.Heres the hotline: +234-810-151-2758 or 08101512758 Help No.3: I provide ONLY once-in-a-life-time investment opportunities to investors and business people.After years of studying the world of investing,I have found out that 99% of opportunities are worthless,that is why I shop hard and focus ONLY on the 1% of investments that almost guarantees to make money to investors,partners and myself. I have a few investments I wouldnt want to specifically show here,so I generalize them: There are 5 private companies(3 in the U.S that I THINK can be 10 times bigger in 2 years,a few luxury estates that are sure to make money through rents and can zoom up in value during the time for exit,everyday I have stock recommendations that are most likely to spike up in value explosively,it wont go down quickly if you heed to my advise.(I personally grew my dads retirement fund savely by 57% in 2 years before he was frenzied in the 2007 madness and blew off a huge part of his wealth in bad investments,he never listened to his son!),I have a few M&A deals that are positioned to make big investors big money,I have money(and my partners) to lend for those with collateral and impeccable credit rating,I have myriads of commodity deals that are good deals because they are positioned to make money.Many of these opportunities have been filtered from the 99% of investments.So you dont have to waste your energy,time and money finding the right investments,if you dont invest directly,you can choose to partner with me.But,hey listen,money is not really important in deals like this,credibility is,I must have to trust you(and vice versa)before we start doing something serious.Normally,it takes an average of 2 weeks before I get money from investors that choose to invest with me. Help No.4: I do connect investors,partners,e.t.c to other investors and partners.For example,after talking(online) to many investors or business people from South Africa,Ghana,Libya,India,Nigeria,Saudi Arabia,U.A.E,many of them with big money would ask me to connect them to Wall Street insiders,who in turn,want these investors.To be frank,Ive failed to connect them efficiently but now Im trying.So,now I talk to the smartest money masters who want more money and investors who want to make more money safely.This leads me to my fifth way I help people. Help No.5: I raise money for The Worlds Best Investors and Most Established.Institutions like Goldman Sach,Bank of America e.t.c are guaranteed by the American government not to fail.Id rather invest my money in these big fund managers than invest in millions of funds out there.But,the difference is that these big funds cannot see all opportunities,thats why more people still invest in small funds,bit big and established funds and money managers like Carl Ichan,Stephen Schwarzmann,James Simon,John Paulson,Warren Buffett, Alec Gores,Ray Dalio,e.t.c.These are the richest money masters,they are billionaires,I love them thats why I think you should invest in them if you dont to invest in me.I like jokingly telling people that Im a scammer ;-). I asked one of Warren Buffetts staff how I could meet her boss because I wanted to help a client with urgent need.She told me either to buy a $1million auction to dine with her boss or I buy a major stake in his firm,Berkshire.Later,I found out through hard knocks how I can get clients to see Buffett for 20% that price! Today,I also get more people to meet other famous people.Its my specialty,call the hotline. +234-810-151-2758 Help No.6: I give SEASONAL investors and business people ideas of how they can make money because I know Id make money when they do.I also give ideas on practically anything any business person,investor or institution is working on.If they ask me to fly from Africa to get involved in whatever they are working on in New York,then I know they are serious enough to commit me to make us money. If I cant do what they want me to do,I connect them someone who could and move on.I also tell them to forget about me in the profit sharing process when they make money.Thats how I roll. Finally, Help No. 7: I am a human goggle,see me as such.Anytime you have a challenge,request,question,boredom,partnership,call me.If I dont get involved,Ill find someone else compentent enough to be involved.The task must not be menial.It must be a serious task that has the potential for huge pay off.For example,I wouldnt be involved to get a stay-at-home mum to buy $200 stuffs at Walmart.I wouldnt fly down to America to do that.But,I would choose to expend my time and energy on cutting costs in the company you work for,partner with or part-own.If the problem is big enough,I might be interested because I love solving big problems that could get my name splashed on the front page of Wall Street Journal,you know what I mean?haha,those are the problems Id give my all for. The best but funniest way I know if a problem is serious or grand is by letting a caller know that hed have to pay to all expenses(travel,hotel lodgings,e.t.c).If he haggles,I cut the call politely,even Jesus wouldnt leave all what hes working on to solve the problem of another person in far-flung vicinities in this globe while he(Jesus) pays all the the bills.The bills to help somebody.In the Bible,Jesus focused on his job while others made sure he does the job well.Im the Jesus of business people and investors. I am a living Google. Come to me all ye that are heavy laden. Lastly,if you can also partner with me by bringing people I can help,you are in business because I pay generously if someone helps me to make money. 08101512758 or +234-810-151-2758
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:39:50 +0000

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