Hello fellow protectors and shark conservation warriors, Have - TopicsExpress


Hello fellow protectors and shark conservation warriors, Have been asked to give my reasons for attending the upcoming SHARKAID evening on November 15th, and though it may be touch and go getting there as I fly in that evening from work in Cambodia, every single one of you extraordinary people deserve to celebrate, cherish and this event and others like it. Personally, if Im there, its due to the fact that Ive rarely encountered such a remarkable group of people so genuine and tireless in their pursuit of a better future and what they love. The other main reason, though undoubtedly long-winded, I guess sums up my own feelings about this group, this effort and the species we fight for: There are two questions that have the ability to spark great debate. One is easy to answer, one is not. What’s your favourite animal? This is the hard one. So varied, so beautiful, so unique and so admirable are the myriad of species (1.5 million and counting) that co-exist on our planet that there is a different answer for everyone. Indeed for the same reason, for many, this question has no definitive answer. Yet everyone will have an answer of some kind. Why? For the same reason that the worlds’ species still has the power to stop us all in our tracks, to briefly cease our existence in order to appreciate theirs. Because despite our naïve, egocentric, advanced and often detached lives, we are still a species ourselves, and we still share the most intimate, primal connection, link and source of curiosity and fascination with our fellow inhabitants. It can be denied, it can be temporarily ignored, but it is, of course, inescapable. So why do we persist in fighting for the preservation of the worlds’ species when there is such hardship, such threat, such devastation from so many corners? Why do we persist when there are many who, through indifference, bureaucracy, ignorance, greed, selfishness, fear and desperation, have created a series of challenges and obstacles that seem simply insurmountable? Why? This is the easy question to answer. It is because that by doing nothing, we know there is NO hope. By continuing to fight we know there will ALWAYS be hope. It is because that while we may well hurt, we may well mourn, we may well suffer, we will not yield and we will not surrender. It is because that with every passing day, more inspired, passionate individuals will take up the fight. It is because that for every inspiring, dedicated role model we lose, their legacy will live on and another will immediately follow and take their place. It is because that every individual act, however seemingly trivial and insignificant, when added to the countless millions of others, becomes of immense importance and benefit. Yet, most of all, it is because of the sensation we get when a fellow species summons the trust, tolerance and respect to allow us to spend time in their lives, to learn, to discover, to be inspired, and to enhance our own lives and chances of survival. It is at such times when, for the briefest of moments, time itself appears to slow and the world appears brighter. For that, we shall always fight for them. For their kingdom, for OUR kingdom. Till animal kingdom come. Shark On.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:40:37 +0000

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