Hello folks, this comment tells about the Droppa People as found - TopicsExpress


Hello folks, this comment tells about the Droppa People as found in China, referring to the incredible small people as mentioned in our book Before Maori NZs First Inhabitants createspace/3832110. In 1938 a professor from Beijing University named Chi Pu Tei and his students were exploring a series of caves in the remote Bayan-Kara-Ula region of Qinghai near the border of Tibet. These caves appeared to have been artificially cut into the mountain with great heat and contained neat rows of tombs with short 138cm skeletons buried within. The skeletons had unusually large heads atop small, thin, fragile bodies. There were no epitaphs on the graves, but there were found hundreds of 30 cm wide stone discs with 20 mm wide holes in the centers. On the walls were carved pictures of the rising sun, moon, stars, mountains and lines of dots connecting the earth with the sky. These disks became known as the Dropa Stones, and they were stored at Beijing University for the next two decades. In 1958 the disks were examined by Dr Tsum Um Nui, who concluded that the grooves consisted of thousands of heiroglyphic symbols of unknown origin. He then claimed to have deciphered the symbols, and claimed they described how a spaceship crashed in the region and how most of the occupants were killed by local horsemen. When Chi Pu Tei published these theories in 1965, they were met with derision. Several of the disks were later sent to Moscow to be studied by Soviet scientists, where they were discovered to contain large amounts of cobalt and other metallic substances and when placed on a special turntable were found to vibrate as if an electric current was passing through it. The scientists speculated that the disks could in fact be somewhat similar to modern computer hard disks. Most researchers are convinced that the story of Dropa is a combination of hoax and urban legend, citing an absense of physical evidence, the lack of any proof that any of the people involved actually existed, and factual errors. The stories of the Dropa as being stunted bestial people didnt match the reality of the real Dropka and Ham tribes of the region, who were of Tibetan stock and normal stature. Some claim that photos of the supposed Dropa disks are merely examples of Bi disks, jade artifacts found all over China and dated to the Neolithic period. The truth is that in the late 1980s, while the world was distracted by the Tiananmen Square massacre, Bureau 11 recovered as much evidence of the Dropa Stones as they could, including all photographic evidence and copies of journals in which the stones were mentioned. Without any proof of their existance, the Stones have been written off as charlatanry by most serious researchers. The truth of the Dropa Stones is far darker. The bones discovered are remains of the Miri Nigri, the amphibious servitor race created by Chaugnar Faugn that eventually interbred with humanity to create the hideous Tcho-Tcho people. The bones bear some resemblance to amphibians as well as hominids and are largely unlike anything else known in the natural world. The mysterious Tsum Um Nui was only able to translate the text only through the use of blasphemous tomes as reference texts, and his official translation was a deliberate misrepresentation of the vile truths he uncovered. Most of the disks are currently in the possession of Bureau 11, though they have only 345 of the alleged 714 disks. The others are scattered in museums and libraries across China, or are in the private collections of collectors and sorcerors all over the world. GRU SV-8 still have several of them held in their archives. The Bureau has continued the experiments of the Soviet scientists, and are trying to create a device that will be able to decode the disks contents and transfer them to computer hard drive. The discs are indeed somewhat akin to computer hard disks, but their operation is based more on sorcery than on modern computer technology. They are unlikely to be decoded by the Bureau, which is rather fortunate as the spells and mythos knowledge encoded therein is toxic at best and easy way to cast Summon Chaugnar Faugn at worst.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 00:08:14 +0000

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