Hello freinds an family of me or the most important person of my - TopicsExpress


Hello freinds an family of me or the most important person of my life an the mother of my new unborn baby....We all know that heather is a severe diabetic type 1..An sumtimes when her sugar gets low or high she really does act real weird am she sweats an even talks funny she can even hear you...but what she really needs is when you notice that shes experiencing these problems, her sugar is either HIGH,,or LOW...so what she needs 1st is for her friends an family to do is get her sugar tester out of her purse always in there or near her, an CHECK her sugar first then if it is lower then 40 an she cant replie to you try to use like liquid icing,orange juice threw a straw,or if that dnt work call 911 immediately or give her the red shot in purse to but thats last if its real low like under 30..but Never before checking it...an keep her awake an alert then call me an if you stuck around ta read this it means the world to me cause there is nothing wrong with heather she just needs everyone in her life to just say hey heather are you doing okay feel okay an sum times bless her heart needs sum one to check her sugar or tell her to always or call 911....thank you for reading i need to know that my girlfriend an my new baby is safe an sound.when im not able to be there to help..an know that the people we care about or just anyone KNOWS what to do if tbis happens...i love you HeatherSpielmanmore then anything in the world youve changed my life an i need you here for a lot lobger then im even here...i love you an im sorry if this makes ya mad i just need to know that your safe without me not that you dnt know what ta do your a great person an mother an i NEED YOU WITH ME ....thank you everyone for ready this book..have a great
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:31:50 +0000

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