Hello friends, I hope you had a nice week ! A few more garden - TopicsExpress


Hello friends, I hope you had a nice week ! A few more garden tips for the end of September Decorative seed pods Keep attractive seed pods from some perennials after flowering such as Iris sibirica, I. foetidissima and Papaver oriëntale in order to enjoy in the winter. Give grape bunches sun Ensure that the bunches of grapes get enough sun to ripen. Remove some foliage from above them. Prune long tendrils back to a couple of ‘buds’. But stay at least ten centimetres away from bunches of grapes, since pruned stems can easily dry out that far back. Prune oleander It is best to prune oleanders (Nerium oleander) vigorously when they go into winter storage. The benefit is that a lot of pathogens are removed. No more feeding Do not feed your plants any more now. They need to prepare for winter. Overwinter fuchsias: Give the plants lime-rich/nitrogen-poor fertiliser one more time this month. Give the plants less water two weeks before they go to their winter location. Then prune vigorously. Leave some twenty centimetres on the branches and also remove all the foliage. They can then go to their winter location (a cool room where the temperature needs to be approx 5 °C). Foliage will form again in the light. Water as required and check regularly for pests and diseases.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:33:29 +0000

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