Hello friends....this is my journey. She was hard working. She - TopicsExpress


Hello friends....this is my journey. She was hard working. She was loving, caring and always available to help others. She loved people and animals. She marvelled at the awakening of Spring; smiled at the industriousness of an ant. She was always up for an adventure. When a day proved to be especially challenging she always knew that tomorrow was a new day, with a new beginning. She found herself divorced with a 5 year old son; sold what she could and moved to a small town to open a retail store with her sister. After facing 2 recessions she discovered how little she really knew about business and life. But she always had a passion for everything she tried. She was the little girl who danced in the rain; climbed the highest trees behind their house; rejoiced in the speed of riding downhill in a go-cart with no brakes. Yes, she always lived life to the fullest! There were many more challenges along the way; but she knew that the dark clouds that appeared in life had a silver lining somewhere. There was always a loving hand extended to steady her when the going got tough. She married her best friend second-time around; so many hopes, dreams and days filled with sunshine to experience. In year twenty of their marriage her world turned upside-down and inside-out. She felt as if suddenly her whole world was turning black. What happened to the little girl who used to dance in the rain? What happened to the days of sunshine? What happened to the woman who had boundless energy and never said no to an adventure? She woke up to find herself facing a debilitating illness. Were all the hopes and dreams of tomorrow gone? She watched in horror as one door after another in her life began to close. Where she used to walk now appeared muddy and impassable. Everyday tasks suddenly had unimaginable weights attached to them. The clock that once had been her ally for accomplishment now became her enemy. One day quickly blurred into another as she struggled to maintain some order to her life. Everything felt as if it were shattering, exploding and disappearing. But she was still very much alive and her mind kept racing through all that it wanted to accomplish. It felt like a bad dream; a horror movie in which she played in the lead role. She found it hard to breathe. Would she awake to find all in her world exactly as she had left it? She was still breathing but found herself feeling as if she had been buried alive! I awoke one morning to discover that there is life after illness. This definitely felt like a nightmare though! There had been days when I found it hard to breathe; moments where I didn’t have enough air in my lungs to keep talking. My legs felt too heavy to lift and anything else I tried to do was an extreme burden on my body. But now there was a ray of hope. I had felt a shift in my body this morning. I felt a quarter of an inch more strength than I had felt in the whole previous year. Days had stretched into weeks; weeks into months of just surviving this war my body was raging against me. I was on a rollercoaster ride in which I was thrown into black holes with far away light revealing a busy world outside in which I was no longer a part of. Everything had changed. I wanted off this ride. That morning the fog was thick outside but inside there was sunshine. A ray of hope. Feelings of extreme exhaustion were leaving; the fog that had been inside my brain was lifting. Wings of love from my husband, family, and friends carried me through this storm and now there was a calm. For the next week I gingerly approached each day with a renewed sense of gratitude for life itself. Afraid of using up this new found energy I carefully placed each foot of action that I took. Months of sticking to a strict program of diet and balanced health was starting to pay off. Balance is the key that will unlock future days of planned business steps I so badly want to take. I am emerging like a butterfly who is gradually released from a tight cocoon. I am testing my fragile wings. My body has taken me to many places that I have wanted to go and it has also supported me through many of my accomplishments. I have researched, resolved, and reminded myself that no matter what journey you are on in life, someone has always walked that path before you. I have the deepest of appreciation for those who have had the courage and the determination to create new paths to restored health. I am determined to find and to follow these ones. Kathi Wehage [email protected] * I would love to hear from you.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:33:47 +0000

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