Hello group....It has been a while since a new entry was put in - TopicsExpress


Hello group....It has been a while since a new entry was put in here, and maybe that is because there isnt anything too new to report. April is doing well. She is healing, talking more, and still settling in to the new normal. We are entering a new chapter in her therapy, and that has provided for some stress and anxiety, but at the same time there always seems to be a new blessing from God that comes up. Anyway, we are exploring new types of therapy, and we are at a critical stage now where she needs to realize her full capabilities within her limitations. Please pray for her to continue to heal, and for her to progress with her speaking, and overall ability to get even more functional and self sufficient. She has adjusted to her new medicine dosages, and we are weening her off of other certain medications. I love it when we pass these different milestones. Her mood has been overall very good, and her sense of humor very rich. The other day we were tenderly looking at each other, and I gazed at her and said, I love you. Her reply was: obviously! We both then laughed uproariously, before she returned the sentiment. She loves to sing along with the radio. The other day she broke into Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard, and Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane. She loved going to Philips bball game last weekend and cheered like any crazed parent. She loves taking Morrigan to the mall and getting her stuff, and today she was having fun making goofy faces at Morrigan. Yes, she has her moments. But I would have to say it seems like each day there is much more positive items than setbacks. Again, I am pleased with the new chapter we are taking with the therapy. It creates some stress and anxiety, for me, perhaps, primarily. But at the same time it is just another step in getting back to normal. I cannot describe how much I love my wife, and how blessed I feel she is with me, and with the family. Even with this affliction, she is a great wife and mother, and I am excited for the future. Thank the Lord for His blessings, which have been abundant. Whenever I feel down about any of this, or when April is not feeling well or not happy about something, it seems like the Lord always steps in. We feel your prayers, my friends. Thank you, and God bless you!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 02:16:33 +0000

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