Hello kiddies. Its youre ol pal Dan The Movie Man here again. And - TopicsExpress


Hello kiddies. Its youre ol pal Dan The Movie Man here again. And well its Halloween today everybody. And the last day of what has felt like the longest month of my life (Im certainly not alone here am I), so anyway I thought Id jot down here my 10 favourite scary movies (or films I like to watch round this season). K here goes. . . 10. Halloween: Well duh, obviously. This is Director John Carpenters finest hour, with his excellent constantly moving stalking camera, iconic score, great opening tracking shot, and also my favourite performance in all of horror provided by Donald Pleasences loopy Dr. Sam Loomis. 9. Jaws: An absolute classic, completely terrific and excellent from start to finish with expert direction from Steven Speilberg, iconic and creepy score from John Williams as well as great performances from all, but especially the three leads. 8. Scream 2: Its a rarity among horror series to actually have a good sequel. Usually horror film sequels are shit. But this is one of the few exceptions. Its more daring and entertaining than the first, and only loses itself barely in its conclusion. 7. Fright Night (Original): Entertaining, meta little horror with humour, with Planet Of The Apes star Roddy McDowall simply a delight as Vincent Price-ish TV host Peter Vincent. 6. The Birds: Alfred Hitchcocks only full blown horror is what Id like to call a screw-ball romantic comedy that gets interrupted by horror! 5. Rosemarys Baby: Doesnt show anything, but you can cut the tension with a knife! A very entertaining, thoroughly engaging (right Oliver Ranson) horror classic. 4. The Fly (Remake): Jeff Goldblum delivers his best performance as an eccentric scientist in this very good, if gross, but thoughtful remake of the Vincent Price classic. 3. Twilight Zone-The Movie: Wanna see something really scary? says Dan Aykroyd in this extremely entertaining and also very underrated anthology flick based off the classic TV series. And while only one out of the four segments may actually stir a bit of suspense in you, its worth youre time anyway. Well except surprisingly Speilbergs 1 really. 2. Carrie (Original, obviously): Technically my fave horror, but not scary movie though if that makes sense. Brian DePalmas best, a very Hitchcockian inspired flick thats also pretty touching and in the end rather tragic, especially since Carrie, played perfectly by Sissy Spacek is an absolutely loveable misfit who you dont want to seek revenge in the now classic prom finale. Piper Laurie also deserves props as Carries Mom from hell. 1. Psycho: Which Im seeing tonight on the big screen and will post a review after Iv seen it there. So there it is, those are my favourite scary movies Whats your favourite scary movie? if anyone wants to comment on this status let me know, and Happy Halloween everyone!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:45:45 +0000

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