Hello lovely FB mates..Yer laffing our Jan so that means yer ave - TopicsExpress


Hello lovely FB mates..Yer laffing our Jan so that means yer ave done summat naughty!.. ME!.. now would I do that yer presumptiou..pre sump just..press jump start..fu** it.. youze lot what jump to conclusions?.. oh okay ..yer right.. Mr W had one on him this morning (USA that means he had his knickers in a knot!) .. He had misplaced an important insurance document..he kept looking in the same place over and over.. I walks in..opens a draw and hey presto there is said document. Now that should be the end of it ..OOOOO NOOOOOO! Mr W is on one now!.. he says Why dont we have a place for such things?..we should have a special drawer ter keep documents in..I say it OVER AND OVER and over and... all I hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH! ..his voice is fading now, cos as his back is turned I have crept out of the room and walked upstairs... In the distance I could hear him say Sometimes I think I must be talking to mysel....... he must have turned round at that point to find himself alone..coz the next thing I hear him shout is YER NOT FUNNY.. oh contraire Mr W. I am!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:21:46 +0000

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