Hello my Lovelies!!.. A note on how to Handle Rejection - TopicsExpress


Hello my Lovelies!!.. A note on how to Handle Rejection .... 1.Put d situation in d right perspective i.e,tell urself d truth abt wat d situation really is,dnt paint d truth or make excuses to make urself feel beta cos dt will only prolong d process of u getting ur mind back. 2.Understand dt its really noting personal,its not always bcos ure a bad person or dt u hv a problem.it could simply be dt ure not compatible wit them,n d Good news is dt even d person rejecting or refusing to recognize u has also bin rejected no matter who they are n if u doubt mi,ask Abraham Lincoln. 3.If rejections bcums frequent in ur life then sit down n evaluate urself. Ask urself sum questions like..Do I hv mouth odor,body odor,bad manners,bad approach etc bcos tinz like these can cause rejection. 4.Get an education cos the world is really advancing n u nid to upgrade as well,nobody is really comfortable wit a dumb person. Read alot to enhance ur brain n be updated in wats happening in ur present world. 5.Pray n look to God for direction. 6.And last but not d least,Love urself enough bcos if u dnt or cant,people wont bcos u dnt even hv enof love inside of u to give out to anoda human being. Believe in urself,kip friends dt help u to build a good self esteem,dnt surround urself wit pple who are always seeing sumtin wrong wit everytin u do,be wit pple dt believe n see ur potentials and tell u abt them n are willing to help u achieve ur dreams.Any1 whos always talking u down will destory ur self confidence knowingly or unknowingly but u Dont nid them in ur life n I dnt care who dt person is to u,if its a parent,find a good church where u can be fed wit word of God which helps u to understand who u are in Him n wen u find d time n opportunity,Distant urself frm them,love n respect them bt try not to be around them too often.This may sound harsh but its d truth n its for ur own good....
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:27:29 +0000

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