Hello my Signature Tuesday family it is official that It has been - TopicsExpress


Hello my Signature Tuesday family it is official that It has been a month since I spoke to all of you...some major changes have taken place in my life that I will keep silent on for right now but I wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about you all...dont be afraid to share any words, good news, and testimonies on here...but I wanted to encourage you and myself for a moment in the midst our days and lives....God is , has/had been, and will be....in happy and/or sad he is always there for you and me and even when our pain can silence us the most he is there...you dont have to be the super Christian or the Holier than though saint to reconnect...you can say one word, hum one note, read one verse, and/or play one song to get back to him....Remember this thing is personal and craziest thing you can ever notice in human to human relationships is that there are up times and down times...so know that eventhough it doesnt justify it but, God knew the task he was taking on when he called you his child...so no other opinion matters but what does matter if the life you lead in God and the direction you allow him to take you to...and remember its not always easy and its not always pretty but its a journey (relationship)....Blessings to you and remember is signature is written on you #signaturelife #signaturetuesdays ....Hope this song is a blessing to you... https://youtube/watch?v=AGxJUWWih9c
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:53:49 +0000

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