Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ today I want to share a - TopicsExpress


Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ today I want to share a testimony with you about my son in the day he had yesterday! I have already posted this one time to Facebook today and somebody reported it and it was blocked so now I am reposting it I do not understand why somebody would block it there is nothing wrong in it but it is what it is I will not let Satan deceive me or my family so here it is again!!!! It started as a normal day yesterday a Happy Sabbath we were all relaxed and loving the day I was speaking to my husband yesterday and my son Francisco was telling him good morning and that he loves him and that he hoped he had a blessed Sabbath.. My 8 year old son was telling his step Dad God bless you and we will have a good day in Jesus today daddy :) and my husband said for me to tell him he felt something was goung to happen with Francisco this day, but he was not sure what it was going to be! So I told my son Francisco what his step dad had told me about him and my son being the lovely time that he is that loves God so much looks at me and says I receive in Jesus name Amen Amennn Amennn! :) you see my son he loves God so much that he trusts on him no matter what it is he does not need to know what is going to happen to him but he knows what ever does happen to him God will be beside him and that he is not alone so on knowing this he said he received whatever it was that was going to happen! After this me and the children continued on our day and later my sons cousin had arrived.. We was taking them someplace so they can enjoy their day and have fun and relax it was about an hour drive away from home so my son Francisco decided he was going to preach on the ride to where we were going to his cousin he saw this a perfect chance because they was in a car he couldnt walk away :) so he began to preach to his 9 year old cousin telling him about Jesus! He had been telling him that for the past month he had been preaching to everybody about Jesus Jesus and that Jesus would do anything for you as long as you ask in Jesus Name andbelieve in Jesus name then recieve in Jesus name he will answer your prayers.. He also asked his cousin if you believed in Jesus his cousin said yes.. Then Francisco was telling his cousin about how he was trying to preach to a boy that lives in our neighborhood and the little boy got angry with him and beat up on him. He told his cousin that he didnt care that the little boy had beat him up.because he watched a video where Jesus got beat up to and he said he felt good because he knew that Jesus went through what he was going through. He was telling him that he had went back again after the little boy beat him up and was telling him again that he needed to believe in Jesus because Jesus didnt like the way he was living. And that the little boy had threatened him again he said he was going to beat him up again but this time he did not succeed because Jesus was protecting him time went on and my nephew continue asking Francisco questions about Jesus much to my surprise my son answered him every question he asked. They spoke for the whole entire ride. Francisco is very happy he could share this information with his cousin it made him happy that he was doing Gods will. They had a wonderful day yesterday! And then the time came for us to leave and go home his cousin left and went home with his mother and we were driving home in my truck. This is when it happened... Out of nowhere my son Francisco started getting angry and making rude comments to me I tried to speak with him to calm him down but the more I spoke to him the angrier he came. He started acting like he was possessed he was kicking and spinning he was punching the seat in the truck he was throwing things at me so I was forced to pull over. I instantly started praying for my son and I texted my husband to tell him what was happening ,I was trying to tell Francisco calm down so that I could talk to him and that we could pray together that he could stop. My son was screaming loud and I couldnt figure out why so I told my husband that we needed to pray for him and he told me that he was praying for him already and that he had seen a vision that Francisco saw something in the truck and that whatever it was had a hold of him and it was scaring him. So I told my son to start praying for Jesus to protect him and for whatever it was that was a hold of him causing him to act this way pray for him to be released in Jesus name. Crying my son told me I am praying mommy I dont know why this is happening to me so I told him pray harder to Jesus. So he did and he calmed down enough where I could pray for him and pray with him but my son started praying this was his prayer he said dear Heavenly Father please dont let my mommy get out of the truck in Jesus name I pray Amennn! So then I was thinking I needed to stay with him because he was very scared and he did not want me to leave him alone in the truck my husband texted me and told me place my right hand on his head and pray God I bring your son Francisco to you, the time has come when you want to take him father for your will , in Jesus name I pray Amennn! After I had prayed for my son this prayer he instantly acted as if he had been released from whatever it was that was holding on to him... My son prayed for himself again and he said Jesus thank you for helping me I dont know why I was acting like that... And he said I receive in Jesus name Amen Amennnn..Aaaaamennnnn. .. You see my son was anointed a month ago with a blessing to preach... Which was exactly what he was doing yesterday. Satan was angry because my son was doing his will to God. So he tried to scare him away from praying. But my son is stronger than that and with the prayers of myself and my husband helping him we together as a family defeated Satan. He thought he was going to turn my son away from God. But actually all he did was make him stronger and gave him victory in God. Because my son gained his confidence back with help from his parents he defeated him and now he is strong again for Christ. He learned a good lesson yesterday he learned that no matter what the problem is as long as he cries out to Jesus he can gain victory over any situation. Also he learned that his parents love him very much and that he always has our support there to help him. I pray this testimony has helped somebody who is struggling also because of my 8 year old child can do it then so can you always cry out for help from God and you will always gain victory! Also I am happy to report after this situation. My son was right back preaching again last night. I thank you Jesus for everything youve done for my son and our family!! In Jesus name Amen...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:40:49 +0000

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