Hello my dear friend Mark Earlix! I just wanted to give you an - TopicsExpress


Hello my dear friend Mark Earlix! I just wanted to give you an update for my last one on one and let you know whats happened thus far, but also share the success with everyone else. Ill attempt to keep it semi short, but please dont hold me to it, LoL! So I done a one on one a couple weeks ago for some severe swelling that Ive been having in my left leg, which Ive dealt with pretty much on a regular basis for over 5 years! Just a quick recap for everyone...Ive been to so many Drs, done so many tests and NOT one single person or test has determined why this is happening, let alone help me to fix it! Its very miserable because my leg will swell to the point that I cant wear shoes or jeans, plus its became discolored as well, like I have a year round tan, but I have A LOT of Irish in me and Irish just dont get tan, especially just on one leg year round! Mark is just such an awesome, loving, caring, spiritual man whom Im proud to call my friend! Anyway, so I hopped up on the tablet and laid flat on my back and let him go to work doing his healing session! He started at a spot on my upper left chest that was very tender and asked how my shoulders have been and if theres been pain, which theres been stiffness and mild pain so kudos Mark, you hit it head on again! He worked his way down the left side of my body to my leg and he said its swollen right here, but I didnt need to tell him because hes VERY in tune! He knew exactly where the swelling is at and said not to worry, hes going to help it go away. He stated its like a pouch or large pocket of water, which is what I call it, but causes severe swelling all the way to my foot, but remember, this has been going on for years! Fyi, I also had jeans on that day and he couldnt see it : ) So anyway, Mark done whatever he does for several minutes in that one spot and meanwhile, something Ive always wanted to ask him, which I finally did and thats if hes seeing, feeling or just knows whatever issues that people have and I forgot the exact phrase he said but basically, its the knowing of the flow of energy within. (Mark, if I got that wrong, please correct me, LoL)! He ended the session at my foot and then told me to lean up very slowly and slowly stand up off the table and when I did, I felt like I just slammed a 6 pack within that session and stood up really fast because I was dizzy! Thats generally happens but this time I was a lot more dizzy than Ive ever been, which had to have been the flow of fluids releasing that have been built up in my left side because when I got home and put my jammies on, that pouch was a lot smaller than its ever been! To this day, the swelling has gone down immensely and I usually dont have a problem with wearing cloths or shoes now! One more thing that Id like to add is that when I left it was dark outside and theres a solar light on the walkway to the parking lot that was flickering and quite dim... until I walked past it! My daughter was with me and she pointed it out, but I thought it was a just a coincidence so I turned around by myself and stood next to it and it then went to a steady bright light again, LoL! Now if my testimonial dont tell you that theres something to what Mark does, nothing will! I wish I could see him every week just for the positive energy thats within him, or even just to pick him apart because hes such an amazing man with a very blessed gift! Mark also knows that his gift is given from The Good Lord and he dont take credit for his abilities, which I admire! If he took credit, I wouldnt be seeing him for healing sessions. I truly feel that these things can be done by man, (obviously) but man is just the tool, the power, energy and healing comes from our creator, God Almighty! There are so many amazing things to this universe and this is one of them, which Im trying to take the time to realize and appreciate for what it is, which is just awesome! Note to Mark; okay, so we didnt work on my thumb and Im still having a lot of problems with the pain and stiffness so please inbox me to let me know when youll be back from Washington and perhaps I can take a drive out to see you again. But of course you know Ill need the latest appointment available, LoL : ) Blessings and peace to everyone! I wish I was going to the healing workshop with everyone but cant at this time so safe travels to yall! Learn everything you can because Mark is full of wisdom so know
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:22:43 +0000

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