Hello, my friend! When something is supposed to be shared I - TopicsExpress


Hello, my friend! When something is supposed to be shared I should know better than to put it off. This had to be shared. I was reminded. Bob Perks Pearl of Wisdom There is nothing worse than to not do what you are capable of doing. There simply isnt a good reason not to live up to your potential. It was given to you, not to waste, but to fulfill. Bob Perks Image How to lose weight permanently By Bob Perks It came to me a few days ago that I have been carrying way too much weight. So much so that it has become a burden. Yes, even to the point of being unhealthy mentally and physically. When you carry too much weight you become depressed, stressed, and your spirit is suppressed. I was simply carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I was urged to write about this discovery but I didnt do it right away. Then one day the image at the end of this message was posted on my Face Book Page by my great friend, Amy Rolfs. It shouted to me, Now do you understand? I did. Here is a plan I came up with and was directed to share with you. Weight is a major part of our lives. Not only in terms of our body weight, but in regards to how we carry ourselves through life. Here are just a few of the everyday terms we commonly use: a dead weight, a load off your mind, worth its weight in gold, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, dead weight, take some weight off your feet, have a weight problem, pull ones weight, throw one’s weight around, throw your weight behind it, etc. So, here is my challenge for you. Take a sheet of paper and in a column list all of the things that are weighing you down. Write it in pencil. Youll see why in a minute. I mean everything. Every big thing and every little thing. Now, go back and read that list. Pause at each one and make sure you trully understand the impact of it on your life. Maybe you will even see other things related to it that may be a factor. This is the weight of the world...your world. These are the things that drag you to a near stand still. Now, go back and assign a weight to each one. Yes, do it in pounds. Even tonage if it that heavy on your mind. The key here is to be honest when choosing how heavy it really is. Okay, now go back again and see the entire list. Look at every item listed. Re-evaluate that list. This is why I told you to use a pencil. In the overall picture, how many things have you chosen to list as extremely heavy? In comparison to others things on your list, do they all deserve the weight assigned to each one? Total the amount of weight that you have been carrying around all this time. You are about to drastically reduce that number. If you dont, you arent being fair about this. Erase and downgrade those items that really arent all that much of a heavy burden in your life. Ask yourself if these are common challenges to many people and if so take them off that list and start another list called, My Birth Weight. No, not baby weight, but the things we are all born with in life and must face. Natural weight. Its time to return to the heavy weights. Are they really that heavy? Was you first impression of this challenge over exagerated? Or perhaps they need to be upgraded, stay the same, or can they afford to lose some weight after looking closer? If you have done this fairly, you will discover that you have suddenly lost a great deal of weight. You might even add up all of the weight loss and post it as a reminder. Take a deep breath, because now your everyday challenge from this day on is to lose more weight. Trim the poundage of the things that have held you back, impacted your life, and kept you from trully enjoying it. Re-write this list neatly in pencil, so that once a week you can return to it and trim the excess weight. Permit me to also point out that doing this exercise will cause you to look in other areas of your life, too. Like actual health related body weight loss. You are going to begin to have a whole new outlook on life and that will cause you to see yourself differently. Like looking in the mirror and seeing someone standing taller, smiling more often because the weight of the world has now been lifted offyour shoulders. Your faith tells you each night to give it to God. Ill remind you that He can handle it. Hes going to be up all night anyway! Put the glass down. I believe in you! J Bob Ok2Be.Me Live an inspired life!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:11:58 +0000

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