Hello, my name is David Dellit and I want to talk to you about The - TopicsExpress


Hello, my name is David Dellit and I want to talk to you about The Valentine Prophecies. Let me ask you a question: If God spoke to you – if He asked you to write down every word he was about to say – and if God told you to send His words out to the entire world – would you do it? I am often times asked, “What was it like to hear God speak? Did you hear a loud audible voice in the room?” Let me assure you, there was no loud, thunderous voice coming from the sky. God spoke to me through two very different methods. Sometimes, His words would seemingly pass right through my ears and enter my awareness very clearly and very quickly. It would be as if a cable was connected directly to my senses rather than a speaker. I think we have all at one time or another plugged a cable into the Output socket of a machine like a stereo or a DVD player and of course, you hear nothing coming from that cable, but when the other end is plugged into a proper device, sound can be heard coming out of that machine. Other times it was different. I would be seated in front of my keyboard and with no knowledge of time passing what so ever, I would glance at the clock and see that several hours had passed and scores of pages had been typed, yet it was as if I had been asleep the entire time – a very supernatural feeling. On Valentine’s Day, 2013, God began to pour out His message for me to record; a message that continued as many weeks turned into several months and that message turned into THE VALENTINE PROPHECIES. The words of THE VALENTINE PROPHECIES contain many messages: • Many of His words are presented as a Love Letter – Words that a bridegroom would write to a waiting bride. • Some of His messages are words of caution and warning for many of today’s church leaders – Words of rebuke for habits that have formed in your teachings and priorities that have been lost. • He has messages for Islamists and Jews around the world. • He has messages for the Pastors and Priests, the preachers and teachers. Messages for YOU – the true believer, as well as the skeptic and doubter, even the outright denier…there is a message in here for YOU! These are messages that need to be heard by EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET!!! You might be asking yourself, “Why you, David Dellit? Why are you so special that God chose you for this task?” Believe me – those are questions I have asked myself hundreds of times over the past year. I am absolutely NO ONE SPECIAL! I have no formal ministry training – I have no program or agenda to promote. I believe that just as it was thousands of years ago, God selects very ordinary people for extraordinary tasks. I did not seek it out; go in search of, nor even ASK for something like this to happen to me. In fact, doing what God tells me to do, has caused me to become the subject of great ridicule, and many friends refuse to socialize with me anymore. If God moves you to read The Valentine Prophecies, do so immediately.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:45:36 +0000

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