Hello, my name is Joe Ciborowski, and I am running for EC - TopicsExpress


Hello, my name is Joe Ciborowski, and I am running for EC President. I currently serve on the EC as a junior class representative, where I head the ITS taskforce as well as the Student Responsibility taskforce. Throughout my work on the ITS taskforce, I have assisted in the change of email clients, and fixed problems with the print.wlu.edu program. As President, I would aim to continue the successes of the current EC, and build on those by fostering three values: communication, togetherness, and responsibility. 1) Communication – I want to improve communication between students and faculty, in order to ease tensions in a time of change throughout the school. Additionally, I want to continue in the pursuit of making the EC as transparent as possible. 2) Togetherness – Here at W&L we have two campuses, both the undergraduate and the law school. I want to bridge the gap between the two campuses so that we see ourselves as one community: Washington and Lee. In addition to that, I want to continue something the EC has tried to accomplish this year, bringing classes back together. In sophomore and junior year, classes don’t come together, and I want to change that by having class “reunions” so that we may continue to foster meaningful relationships. 3) Responsibility – Unfortunately this last year, our community suffered a loss of one our own. In the wake of this tragedy, I want student to be more responsible for their actions. On the Student Responsibility taskforce, we have brought forth ideas of placing magnets or flags on cars, or perhaps even key fobs that a sober driver could place on his or her keychain. All three options would show students what drivers are sober, and fully able to give a ride. Additionally, I aim to reduce the amount of hoops fraternities have to jump through, in order to throw a party at their house. This would bring parties back into town, thus reducing the need for sober drivers and allowing students to still enjoy their time at W&L. Lastly, as President I know that my most significant responsibility would be to maintain the Honor System. Serving on the EC this year has given me experience in investigating and adjudicating honor trials. If elected, I would be able to fairly adjudicate an honor trial, as well as lead the EC in deliberations. The Honor System is something that is a foundation of our institution and it is vital that we maintain and honor it. Thank you for your time in reading this. I hope it gave you insight into my ability to serve as the next EC President. Voting is tomorrow, March 4th on Sakai. VOTE JOE!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:11:04 +0000

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