Hello, my name is Michael. I was the friend and caretaker of - TopicsExpress


Hello, my name is Michael. I was the friend and caretaker of Pheonix, my beloved dog for almost 13 years and this is my story. I never considered myself as the owner of a dog, just giving them love and a good home. 11/2/13 I left Saturday for my sons home in Raleigh to clear land for his new home. 11/3/13 On Sunday at approximately 1:30pm my wife called and said our Schnauzer, Pheonix, was missing. I finished up with my son and headed back at 3:00pm to look for Pheonix. I spent some time looking before dark. 11/4/13 Ginny and I looked most of the day Monday, telling our neighborhood to be on the lookout for Pheonix. My son Adam came after work and searched the woods on a four wheeler with a flashlight for 3 hours, but still no Pheonix. 11/5/13 Tuesday morning at 9:00am I got online thinking that I had to do more somehow. I got on the Pet Control website and there was a black Giant Schnauzer listed found off of our road. I immediately sent a text, left a voice mail and emailed the woman listed. No response. I called again at noon. No response. I called again at 3:00pm. No response. At 3:30 I finally received a text saying that she had Pheonix previously and that she had passed in her sleep the night before and a friend was having her cremated that day and she would try to get the ashes for me. I asked if our family could please come and see where she passed to help with some kind of closure. We texted back and forth, but she said her friend had a situation going on personally and that she would try to make it happen so that we could see where she passed away. She would try to be in touch the next day (Wednesday). I stayed up most of the night going over the 20 texts and concluded that something didnt feel right. 11/6/13 My son Adam came over at 7:00am Wednesday to say that he had gotten online and paid money to find out where this woman lived. He hadnt slept either worrying about Pheonix. Could she be stolen? Could she still be alive? We contacted the police and told them our story and they went right away to the ladies apartment. We waited for a phone call in Bojangles parking lot. We finally received a call. The police said they had talked with the lady and confirmed Pheonix had passed but not as the lady had said in her text messages. She had taken Pheonix first to our personal veterinarian and had her checked for a microchip, which she did not have, regrettably. Pheonix was weak from not eating or drinking and was having a hard time. She then took Pheonix to another vet she knew and was advised she needed to be put to sleep. She gave authorization to do so. Pheonix was put to sleep at 1:30pm Tuesday afternoon. She was supposed to be cremated Wednesday morning but the police stopped the process. We wanted her. We drove to the location and were told she was there and they has stopped the cremation. My son and I spent awhile with her in a room alone. She had been brought out of a freezer and was ice cold but she looked at peace. We cried and held her. We took her home in a white sheet and laid her on her pad in the home she loved. I went to Lowes and picked up wood while my son dug a grave in our back yard where she loved to lay and play. I built a casket. We unwrapped her so my wife, my son and I could see her one last time. We put her pad in the casket and placed her on top of it just like she was at home in her favorite spot. Then we buried her. She is home now. Something else. The lady texted me after the police had left her home, she told me to never contact her again or she would call the police and that she was going to report me for animal neglect. This absolutely was not the case. Pheonix was part of our family and was treated like a Queen. This broke my heart for the lady not to know the whole story of why Pheonix was like she was. We were just trying to make the rest of her life as comfortable as possible. I went to the pet store where the lady was a groomer and had taken Pheonix in from a man that found her at his front door. I talked with the manager privately and let him read what I wrote. Tears were in his eyes. He explained how the lady took her in and tried to get her to eat but she wouldnt and decided to handle things the best she could. I think the lady was scared of what I might do and that is why she reacted the way she did. She did the best she could. I only wish she could learn from this and if it happens again to please tell the truth, even though it hurts. Its better that way. There are a lot of ifs in this story that we all should learn from. -If I had been home. -If Pheonix had a Microchip. -If I had contacted pet stores with grooming services. (I called all groomers in the phone book) -If the lady had answered any of the ways I tried to contact her Tuesday morning before Pheonix was put to sleep. If, If, If. This does no good and only prolongs the hurt. I had not eaten since Monday. I had very little sleep (approximately 6 hours in 3 days, my son also). We are getting better as time goes by. To everyone who has a pet, PLEASE get your pet Microchipped!!! It can save a life and a lot of hurt. We are still mourning from the loss of our Pheonix. My wife wanted to take me to the doctor because of me breaking down so much and I was afraid I might have a heart attack. We will get through this one day at a time. Writing this story has helped me to heal some. To Pheonix: Im sorry girl. I promised I would be the last person you saw when you went to sleep and I couldnt keep that promise. We will remember and love you forever! Youre always in our hearts. Enjoy your trip and we all look forward to seeing you again! We love you Bear. p.s. The reason I wrote this was to stress the importance of getting your pet Microchipped. Pheonix would thank you and I thank you. p.s.s. We took Bernie and Corbin to get Microchipped Friday 11/8/13
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 19:24:35 +0000

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