Hello my name is Michael from NJ. Ive been a property owner since - TopicsExpress


Hello my name is Michael from NJ. Ive been a property owner since 2002 I would like to comment and bring up the subject about the dues that everybody pays. I think the dues that they charge is outrageous for people that own the property. Look,..... I know and understand that lake adventure has to charge community dues to maintain the community with their security, and the lake, and the pool, and have lake adventure day....I understand all that. However;........However;..... I would like to say whos with me on voting that there should be two types of dues..? It doesnt exist yet, but there should be two types of dues to charge the people seasonal dues for the people who want to use it only for the summer and year-round use dues for the retired people. I think its very very unfair for the young middle class working families SUCH AS I AND MY WIFE whos at in our early 40s who want to own something but have to pay and shed out all this money for the use of their property for only TWO MONTHS out of the year maybe 3 at maximum..!!! That which gets me very angry first off every time I go there..... There is always a sign that Lake adventure has a water boiling advisory just about 70 to 80% of the time we go their as you know. We pay in dues for security however as you know multiple trailers where ram sacked and busted into and robbed including mine. My trailer was robbed and broken into three years ago of which now I fixed it up....but thats beside the point. So the water has to be boiled 80% of the time and the security isnt trustworthy it sucks...!!!! / yes so why do we all have to shed out all this money when we can only pay for 2 months out of the year that young people use it for and to have their well earned good hard earned money go elsewhere for better use Ide say..!!! (???) New car for example, or more saved for their kids college fund rather to give it to Lake adventure and youre only going to use your property for 2 months out of 12 months so the trailer just sits abandoned for 10 months and still you have to shed out all this money dues. Rite folks see my point.....I hope..???? *****once again there should be 2 types of DUES for the people to choose from seasonal dues for the people only use it for 3 months out of the year and the. regular dues for retired people to use it year round its unfair for the young working class*****..!!!!!!! (AMEN ANYBODY)..???? PS the road tax and the school tax for Pennsylvania that I pay is no problem its the dues which is a headache I want to vote for two types of dues to offer the people. Somebody bring it up at the meeting whos more powerful than me. I will be available physically if needed to voice my opinion in person. Comments and opinions anybody..??????? Thank You; Michael Gooditis N.J. / property owner in back of the lake since 2002.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:59:55 +0000

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