Hello my sweet beautiful angel. So ... On this day. The day - TopicsExpress


Hello my sweet beautiful angel. So ... On this day. The day before my child took his life. Lynn Wiater Hare Church hit the nail on the head when she said ... Suicide is real. I Thank god my son only felt the sting once ... But ... The survivors of his loss ... we are left to feel the pain of that sting the rest of our earthly lives. Knowing my son ... I know he wouldnt want us to be sad. He would want us to remember all of the good he showed to so many ... With the short years the good lord blessed us with him. After all ... We are all borrowed to this world and tomorrow holds no guarantees to anyone ... So with this in mind ... Please ... in memory of my son ... Give someone a hug ... Let them know you love them and how important them being in your life means to you. Tell them bryan sent you. God forbid ... You may not have the chance tomorrow. I want to say thank you so much for the extremely awesome ladies and gentlemen I work with. Thank you for the so beautifully quoted card and flowers you blessed me with today ... You guys are the best. Will county is so very fortunate to have you all ... And I have been truly blessed to meet you. Seriously ... You people are awesome!!! Also, I want to send a big thank you to everyone who has sent me a Facebook message or email. Bryan and I will love you all forever. I just know the good lords ears will be ringing with all the prayers tomorrow. Here it is already ... October ... Mom has you set up for the upcoming season buddy. My favorite corner of the house. My boy ... My prince. Your memory and lifes lessons will coarse through the veins of more people than even you probably realize. I never knew the true good you showed to others. Im so proud to be your mommy. I love you so much. Have a heavenly night and sweet peaceful dreams. Look for us tomorrow sweetheart. Mom ... And dad ... Will live the rest of our lives in your memory ... You will never even remotely be forgotten and you will be loved more with each passing day. I am so incredibly proud of you and I love you so much ... And so does your father ... He just isnt on Facebook. I will wear my baby boys T-shirt tomorrow ... And somehow ... your dad will be with us all. Have a peaceful night angel. I love you. Love, Mom
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:16:02 +0000

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