Hello my wonderful friends and family. A lot has gone on with me - TopicsExpress


Hello my wonderful friends and family. A lot has gone on with me lately. A lot of thinking about my future, what I want to do with my life, where I am going in this journey. To be honest, Im really not sure what the answer to that is, but I do know one thing: Whatever I do, where ever life will take me, God is leading. He is my compass. Im certain of one thing. I choose to go this journey one step at a time and without a life partner, other then Jesus. I am content with where I am, but not in a way that I choose to stay where I am. What I mean is, I have peace within my heart. Its taken me a Long time to find a church family that I feel I belong in. I wont say that the churches I have visited prior to this were not good, they simply were not for me. Last week, I spoke to a lady, whom I have never met before in my life, and she told me something that I found to be profoundly sad, and to be honest, it was true. She stated that she had found that the churches she has been to in her community had never actually made her feel welcome. It truly broke my heart, and at the same time, validated what I had experienced myself to be real, not just my imagination. I just want to say this. For those of you who are Christians, for those of you who attend church regularly, please, when you notice there is a visitor at your church, let them know they are welcome. Let them know you care. Acknowledge their presence and make them feel welcome. You may be the only one who is placed in that persons path who can show them that God really does love them, just the way they are. Moving on to other things, Ive made other decisions recently regarding the path I believe God is guiding me to. It starts with going back to college. I have learned in the process that not one single credit from my previous college will transfer, but I honestly dont care. I know in my heart that Im forging a new path and I know its the right decision for my life. I will be attending Anderson University starting in January. I dont know the exact plan, but I do know Im looking into the Ministry. Exactly where that will take me, I dont really know. But like I said before, one step at a time. I had 4 of my grand kids here last night (one of the 4 lives here). It was such a joy spending time with them. Priceless memories, to say the least. I adore all of my grand kids. God has truly blessed my life in that respect. My 2 granddaughters wanted to sleep in my bed last night, and, since they are small enough to do so, I let them. Well, that was interesting. I was awake most of the night, both girls must do aerobics in their sleep. I felt like a kick boxing bag before the night was over. Still, I wouldnt change a thing. They have captured my heart, each and everyone of them. Having grand kids more then makes up for the crazy life Ive lived up to now. Other then that, I have been doing my best to reach out to anyone I know who is hurting, lonely or in need of simply needing someone to talk to. Somehow, I know God will lead those to me who he wants me to spend time with. Sometimes to listen, other times giving advice if they ask. Ive learned over the years that many people simply need someone they can open up to so they can sort out their feelings and find the answers themselves upon doing so. And, I pray. So many are hurting, lonely, and desperately needing to know they are loved, some needing to know they are even lovable. Ive been where they are, so I know how it feels. And so, I believe in some way, that is what the calling on my life is all about. To help the hurting and the lost. So, if you need prayer, let me know. Im here for you. And know that I dearly love each and everyone of you. Not only me, but my Heavenly Father does, too. It is my deepest desire that you find peace as you read this, knowing that you are never truly alone. I know there are times it Feels like you are, but I can assure you, you are not. Hold your head high, dear friends. You have no reason to feel shame, or anything that is a negative emotion. Remember, negativity does Not come from God. Love, kindness, and goodness of every kind comes from our Father in Heaven. Prayers going up for each and everyone of you, every day and always. I love you all. God bless and have a peaceful night, and a wonderful day.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:05:04 +0000

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