Hello...one of the hardest things ...especially for me...is to sit - TopicsExpress


Hello...one of the hardest things ...especially for me...is to sit back and see someone going down a destructive path...I got to say something...so I can be at peace...because too many times I listen to the dreams, hopes and desires...and wonder is it all BS?...just smoke up my butt?...because no one seems to want to sacrifice to make it happen...everyone wants to enjoy the right now...everyone wants to do what feels good all the time...but unfortunately...life is not like that...no one...and I do mean NO ONE gets a free ride..no one...you got to do something...HEAR ME CLEARLY...YOU GOT TO DO SOMETHING...and often have to give up something... I listen to my own sons idolize LeBron James...and recently Mekai my son best friend asked me twice do I think he can go into the NBA...my response was HELL NO..you can not...because going into the NBA requires skill,...it requires dedication...it requires sacrifice...it requires practice...it requires a healthy diet...it requires knowing how to control your emotions and your anger..it requires knowing how to conduct yourself...it requires responsiblity....it requires basically doing something...to work towards that goal...sitting on your AZZ everyday playing video games aint gonna cut it...IM sorry its not...Im not sure why he asked me the same thing twice over a two week period but my answer was the same...you want it you got to get off your do nothing and get it and you got to be self motivated....Stop telling your children you can be anything you want to be...NO YOU CAN NOT...you can be anything you work your azz off to be is more like it... This is a tough world and its competitive...and if you want your slice of the pie it must be taken by force...but not with violence... It kills me to see so many mothers always partying....especially so called "Independent Mothers"...I cant help but wonder...do you have a college fund set up for your child?...are you investing in them or even yourself?...so they can go on and be successful and not have to worry about taking care of you?...which only drags them down financially..this is wrong...this makes no sense to me.. Someone recently told me that they aint going to set their child up for college....because they child needed to do it...wtw? What kind of plan is that for your child?...I am not saying that children should not help work towards it...but every parent is responsible to make sure their own child has a shot in this world...I am almost positive this will lead to yet another child on the system..not because they could not pay more for their education but because their mom priorities are not straight.... If you dont have a nest egg built up to take care of yourself..then you aint got no busy partying...if your child dont have a college fund built up you aint got no business partying...if your church is falling down all around you...or if your church is doing good but you are not contributing to that...you aint got no business partying...If you dont own your own home you aint got no business partying...If you hella deep in debt you aint got no business partying...if you cant afford to expose your children to things so they can be cultured....you my friend have absolutely no business partying... Life is not all about fun and games....its not...unless you are single with no kids..and you old as hell...but if you are not in the above category...then you need to make sure not only you...but that your children are set..so they can survive in this world...and do it successfully... IM not saying you cant have some "Me Time" but not all the dang gone time and every weekend...who would want that for a mom?....there is no such thing as a "New Age" mom...that only equates to a dumb azz irresponsible mom...plain and simple... I think of my own mom who did nothing but party all her life...and didnt put up nothing not only for her children but even for her grandchildren or even herself for that matter...and now needs a helping hand all the time...is this right?...I am sorry...no its not...It would be different if things were different...but if you can see your parents chose partying over planning...am I wrong because I say something about it?...if I am judge me...because I am.... Have I helped her? yes I have...but thats not what should have happened..I dont regret helping her because GOD has blest me to do it...but I have my own child to care for and that money should have been for him...not for someone who chose to party all their lives...and its all because she did not plan...she did not look ahead..I thank GOD for my dad raising me to understand this....and how he was able to leave a little bit for all his children...it didnt make us rich but at least he left something..and made sure he was taken care of so he didnt burden his children down with it...and cause them to take from their children....so I thank GOD I did make my own way..but a lot of the decisions I made had to do with her not planning for me...and a lot of the decisions my brother made was for the same reason...so I am not just speaking out of thin air...I am speaking from personal experience...and I see the results of my parents actions...and I dont want to make the same mistakes....Now let me make something clear right here...because I know people dont like saying these things...because it seems harsh...but its the truth...and I speak the truth...not trying to step on toes...just trying to open someone eyes...so you dont make the same mistakes.... its time we get it together people....so when we party.....we truly have something to celebrate...GOD bless!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:49:17 +0000

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