Hello parents. Ive been MIA for a while. Life has been very - TopicsExpress


Hello parents. Ive been MIA for a while. Life has been very busy lately. School is out so I have 6 kids running around, who are Hungary all the time, they are like new borns as soon as I get them fed they are wanting to eat again! Plus we decided to go ahead and combine houses, its a complicated situation but the long and short of it is we was living between 2 houses my 5br apt and A house we are buying and fixing up. Its a big change because the house is only a 3br house and we have 7 kids. It sounds like a crazy move and believe me it is, we have like 2 or 3 of everything. We are building another bedroom but its going to take a few months before we have the money to do it. This however is the best decision for our family financially plus this will be the first time our whole family has been under one roof full time. I have always had all the kids but Shannon only stayed with us part time. The real reason I decided to post today was to give you all an update on my son Raiden, ( he is the reason I started this page) Over the past 7 months Raiden went down hill very quickly. He was in and out of the hospital with no good results. He had an in home team working with him at home and at school and nothing helped. We switched meds, we tried everything. Raiden got so bad we was going to get him from school 2-3 times a week, he got to the point Shannon couldnt even control him. Raiden was violent and destructive and we all became a prisoner to his disorder. We couldnt leave the house, we couldnt take him any where, I couldnt leave him with my mom ( who he always had done well for) I could plainly see that while I was trying everything to help him, things was way out of my control. We (myself and Shannon) made the very hard decision to once again put Raiden into residential treatment. This wasnt what we wanted, but this was the only way to get him the 24/7 help he needs and the only way to give our other 6 children a fairly normal life, which they deserve. When Raiden was here if we gave any sort of attention to our other 6 kids Raiden would flip out, he would act up, hurt my little kids, tear up our house. Life was completely unbearable. Each and every day was a struggle and a battle and nothing we did or tried made it any better. Please dont think this was a easy decision, I completely fell apart, but with life we have 2 choices lay in our sorrow or pick our selfs up and fight through another day. I have 6 other kids so I did what I had to do to, I felt bad, I cried, I prayed, I was depressed but I picked myself up and did what I had to do. Some days are harder than others, but at the end of the day I know I did what was best for all of us. Raiden is doing well at the facility and he really likes it there. He is getting daily therapy, and is in a controlled environment with a lot of structure and people trained to handle his disorders. ( ADHD, bipolar, pdd(autism) and odd) Im not sure what the future will hold, and I would be lying if I said I thought this is the cure to his problems. I havent by any means given up on my son, but I know everything we have tried over the past 6 1/2 years hasnt worked, I know Raiden spent 18months in residential treatment, I know the meds, natural treatments, no meds, therapy, in home treatment, behavior schools, ect hasnt worked, I know Raiden does well for a while then he starts going down hill and he doesnt stop til he hits rock bottom. I know these disorders have no cure, and I know we will continue to fight to provide Raiden with as normal of a life as is possible, but our battle is real, our struggles are many, I havent given up, but I have come to realize this is our reality. I want to wish you all a beautiful blessed day. Sending my thoughts and love to you all! ~Malena~
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:23:10 +0000

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