Hello supporters of the school pool I would like to address a few - TopicsExpress


Hello supporters of the school pool I would like to address a few misinterpretations of our cause here. There is a perception that those of us that support this cause want a pool in the school at any cost and are acting in a fiscally irresponsible manner. We believe that this is actually a more responsible alternative than building a separate County facility or adding onto an existing facility, which still remains a viable alternative. Here is why. The planning and construction costs will be much lower if it is completed with the 12th High School as these plans do not have to be duplicated with a separate facility. Additionally, the interest rate at which Prince William County will repay the loan is much lower when it is associated with a school because of the loan instrument utilized to finance schools in Virginia. When you think about the taxpayers money, this is a more effective and efficient government expenditure. Additionally, this pool has the potential to earn revenue to offset the costs associated with operations. Current facilities are able to completely offset operational costs with user fees. Area swim clubs will rent swim lanes for practices and rent the space to conduct swim meets as well. Teams currently do this at CHINN, DCRC and Freedom. Area swim clubs are turning away potential swimmers by the hundreds because they cannot serve them with lane space. Even with the additional lane space at the new school the swim lanes will be full. I am still awaiting some responses from the school staff regarding insurance and other operating costs. So stay tuned.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:06:39 +0000

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