Hello there, Just read an article by one of my favourite - TopicsExpress


Hello there, Just read an article by one of my favourite columnist, Natasha Badhwar. She writes the column, My Daughters Mum in LiveMint and why I like her column and almost never miss to read it is because she writes without any pretence or an attempt to portray or hide. She is plain natural and honest. Every-time I read her, it seems like a slice from my life; it touches me. I read Nostalgia in a Box and it took me back to my childhood. I feel like extracting and sharing some tits and bits of my school days travelling. To clarify, I dont mean the outstation travels; for the first time I actually travelled in a train was only in college! I can recall some of my sometimes interesting, sometimes adventurous, sometimes annoying and even funny episodes during these trips. OMG, the memories are flooding.....looks like its going to be a lengthy write up. Earthworms! A lot of them..... all along the path....hardly any pace to keep my foot down! It was rainy season.....yuks, the memory is quite vivid. I used to walk to school. Must be a couple of kms from home but it felt like so looong! It sometimes amuses me how the same buildings and the same distances seem so small in comparison when we revisit our childhood place. The walk to the school was never straight. There was lots to catch attention on the way. The blooming flowers in Oriental Bank Premises, for example. I loved flowers and believed they are much better in my hand than on the plants. Ah... what an adventure! The stealth with which I would enter the gate, pluck a few roses and slip out with speed of a rocket. Stealing flowers, unripe guavas, sour grapes....Ive done it all. Not very proud today though (: The eunuch in pajamas with the broom with that long handle, was a regular, sometimes cleaning the road, sometimes teasing us and we giggling, trying hard to suppress laughter, quite aware of the oddity but not quite getting it. It was hilarious later but quite embarrassing on that day when the Sikh family on the way reminded we (brother and sisters) were wearing the wrong uniform! How come even Mummy forgot! And then we had the luxury of travelling to school by rikshaw later. All the children used to haggle Nihaal, our rikshaw puller for ice gola round the corner. He often obliged. I remember one day when I was particularly distracting and insisted on standing on the rod at the back of the rikshaw, slipping myself down from the hollow of the retracted canopy. He got irritated and gave me a scare for life when he rode the rikshaw at full speed. I never again insisted on standing there. Theres a lot more to write; guess would continue in part two ! Gotta get up now
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:56:47 +0000

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