Hello there! Today,i intend giving you practical step-by-step - TopicsExpress


Hello there! Today,i intend giving you practical step-by-step method you can apply when faced with any form of temptation and come out triumphant and as usual i will enjoin you to follow closely so as to fully grasp the content of this post. But before i continue,i want you to have this at the back of your mind practice does not make perfect NO! It does not! Rather: persistent,consistent, deliberate,and regular practice makes perfect(remember this when you intend applying the steps)-1corinthiansThere hath no temptation taken you but such as common to man but God is faithful,who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;but will with the temptation also make a way to escape,that ye may be able to bear it. Am sure some of you who follow my previous posts are familiar with this but this time around i intend going deeper into it and also subsequent scripture verses later on. Whenever faced with any form of temptation,the very first thing that you must be FULLY aware of some really important facts that the above verse points out- theres no temptation that will come your way(provided you are not the one who put yourself in a position to be tempted) that 1. God is not aware about 2.Is above that which you can handle 3.that there isnt a way of escape. This three valid points must ALWAYS be in your minds eye at all times. You cant afford to not know this truth,at all costs the enemy will not want you to know this because once they find out that you do,you are one step ahead to being free from their clutches. When u feel that you cant overcome something,you wont bother to fight it,you wont bother to struggle,you will just cave-in and accept defeat. To prove my point lets take for instance a school assignment that involves calculation that is really long say about 6sentences,just by looking at it at a glance you will already be frozen in fear,why?,because you have already been accostomed to believe that when something is really long it also tends to be really hard but what if the main question was at the last paragraph involving a simple arithmetic equation??? Would you have known that by just glancing through?? Nope,you wouldnt. Now having known about the fact that theres always a WAY out,what then is this WAY?? I will use a verse which am really fond of using everytime to pave the way for the latter verses-matthew9:29b-According to your faith,be it unto you. Yes,your faith must be such that it doesnt let the circumstance of your situation dictate to you how to respond to it but rather it must be in concordance with how God will have you profess it,stand on it,and believe it,and if i might ask how do you think he would have you profess it?? By professing a faith thats directly proportional to the temptation i.e-the higher the temptation,the higher the faith,only that in this case,the faith must be higher than the temptation. Let me give you an incentive that will boost your faith,imagine that temptation overcoming you everyday for the rest of your life,imagine that temptation,which will obviously lead to more shame,guilt,despair,and ultimately a higher level of sin which will hinder God from being with you and answering any of your prayers and that same temptation which results in heavier types of sins(eventually)granting the devil and his cohorts all access pass into your life thereby dominating,controlling,making your life miserable(eventually)and,imagine you dieing with that temptation having full dominance. Scary right?? Should that make you afraid or should that make your faith blaze up?? Many of the people we see today that have first degree catastrophe more often than not always start from a little temptation which overtime blossoms into something terrible and unless you cut it off and be the victor instead of being the vanquished you will eventually end up in that part. Id wheel out some verses which will assist you but due to space i will give you a very very important verse that you can apply-romans6:11- Likewise reckon ye also to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus christ. Remember,i said initially in the beginning of this post practice does not make perfect!!! but rather,persistent,consistent,deliberate,and regular practice makes perfect. You might fail initially due to the length in which you were involved in that temptation but remember when you first tried to learn how to walk as a toddler and failed,what did you do??? I bet you kept on keeping on till you got it right!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:07:50 +0000

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