Hello to everyone and a belated Happy Memorial Day to all. This - TopicsExpress


Hello to everyone and a belated Happy Memorial Day to all. This past Memorial Day, along with the past few weeks, has been a great time of reflection - one could even use the word epiphany. Ill come right out and say it: a lot of my posts over the last few months have been very mean spirited and even somewhat venomous, and I do apologize for their perception, but not the intent. Im now residing with the woman I love, and there has been, and will be for a while, a period of adjustment. However, periods of adjustment dont just apply to living situations. They apply to life. The bottom line is that Im a hard ass. I always will be. I like my weights, my Mixed Martial Arts, and my Catholic faith. The latter and the former will always be the corner stones of my life. Period. Ive never liked bullies or evil people, and I will always be the bane of these types of people. I will stand up to them at all times when it is necessary, and I will not apologize when it comes to bullies and evil people in general. While I dont apologize for my stance, I do apologize for my approach at times. Ive learned in recent weeks and months that you just cant confront with evil with malice, and you cant let evil people rent rooms in your mind for free (Can you believe that Sylvester Stallone once said that?). Many of my posts paint me as intolerant, which I can no longer afford to be if I want to maintain close relations with dear friends and family. I dont agree with or espouse every view point, but I can still stand to be more tolerant of those view points. For example, Fred Phelps was an evil , horrible person who deserved to be in hell. However, I should not have rejoiced with such joy and glee at his demise, and such elation on my part was beneath me and the people I cherish. Finally, to all those people and ideals I disagree with, I will continue to disagree with you, but I will not hate you. I dont like the Rush Limbaughs, the Sarah Palins, the Sean Hannitys, and so on and so forth. I will never stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the tea party, the ku klux klan, and the skinheads, but I dont want you to meet a violent death. I will never sit across the table from you, converse with you, or even shake your hand(s) if I should meet you, but I will NOT hate you. I am your enemy, but I will not be your executioner. In fact, all of the preceding are in my prayers. I will pray that you relinquish your hatred of those who are different from you. I will pray that you do not rejoice when one of you guns down and innocent, teenage simply because hes black and walking through a predominantly caucasian neighborhood. Finally, I will pray that you unclench your fiist and embrace our beautiful world, and not live in a bubble of hatred. Most importantly, I will pray that I not be sucked into your bubble of hatred, and that bubble is burse someday. Take care and God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 03:21:42 +0000

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