Hello to everyone out there its churchy, just wanting to let you - TopicsExpress


Hello to everyone out there its churchy, just wanting to let you all know how the surgery went last month. It was a massive day nearly 11 hours under the knife, my neurosurgeon dr brindha shivanglam and her team worked tirelessly and did absolutely everything they could for me and came out with the best result that anyone could have achieved, about 70 percent of the tumour was taken out as they could not have taken any more out as it would have left me in serious trouble meaning I probably wouldve been in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and a whole list of other complications to go with it, so I am very lucky they knew to stop where they did. When I woke up I had very little movement in my right leg and my right arm was also quite weak, for 3 days I was just in bed and occasionally in a wheelchair trying to get the messages from my brain to my leg to make it move, and with each day there were improvements. After a week I was moved to berry hospital for intense rehabilitation where i lived for 3 weeks, I went from wheel chair to framewalker to granny walker and finally a walking stick. It has been such a learning experience for me and I will never take for granted the little things in life ever again, just being able to walk is a miracle!!! In rehab I met a bloke who broke hes back teaching hes mates girl how to swim when he was 19, he is now 45 and still stuck in a wheelchair and probably will be for the rest of hes life, hes wife had just been diagnosed with severe breast cancer but he still had so much to be happy about and appreiciated every moment he had which is what we all should be doing. eveliina and I went to get my results from my braintumor last Wednesday, we were nervous as hell when I walked in to the room to see brindha her gentle nature calmed us and she told me I have a grade 2 astrocytoma, it was a mixture of good and not so good news as we were hoping for another type of tumor which behaves alot better then the tumor I have, however I am lucky it is a grade 2 and not a 3 or a 4. I was also told it was a positive astro which is not as good as a negative and here comes the good again she said the cells are reproducing at about 3 percent and that is very low. The best news she told me came later, brindha told me that she had started a campaign called brainstorm and that next year was looking like a very bright year as they are raising awareness and funds to develop a laboratory at rpa hospital to buy cutting edge technology and staff as there have been some amazing breakthroughs in brain tumor treatment. The first is a vaccine that has beeen tested in norway and has shown great success with braintumor patients and another is a treatment they have developed for melanomas which shows promising signs that may be able to be used in brain tumor patients. Brain cancer is the cancer that kills more children then any other cancer every year and the biggest killer of people under the age of 30, because chemotherapy and radiation do not cure brain cancer is why it is so deadly and has such a high mortality rate. This is why brindha and so many people are working so hard to find a cure and spread awareness about this deadly disease. So if any of you have the time and would like to help spread the awareness brindha has started an amazing fundraiser campaign, if you type in brainswim? To your face book and like it, you can see what it is all about. On the 22nd of november there is a swimathon in sydney and I am putting together a team of 10 to swim 10,000 metres to raise funds so we can start developing a cure here at home in australia. So far we have myself, my dad nelmesy longy and gaf ( even though I havnt told him yet) so gaf your in.... to do this swim. So if you want to see photos of a bloke with a bung leg, a bloke with one leg, a bloke with no brains, the master of lunacy and a bloke with a scrotum head go for the big 10000 swim please throw a bob in or 2 and lets cure this horrible cancer, also we need a further 5 swimmers and a team name so im open to ideas and would be good if we could get some swimmers with all ther body parts working on board to help us out, or if you want to start your own team you can do that also, all donations are tax deductible and if you go to the face book page or dr brindha shivanglams own web page and follow the links to brainstorm or brainswim? it will explain how to go about it, once we have a team name and if you would like to donate just write our team name there, I will write to you all once our team is registered and finalised which I hope to get done within the next 2 weeks. As for me now I am home and am doing my rehab at port kembla, I now walk with a walking stick, I am making good progress and hope to be fully recovered in the next few months. I am making the most of my moments and appreciating the preciousness of life more and more each day. Thankyou all again and again, you may get sick of hearing it bit I will never stop saying it so much love to you all and your families.... churchy
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 05:51:00 +0000

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