Hello to my fellow British countrymen in the South Atlantic! Hope - TopicsExpress


Hello to my fellow British countrymen in the South Atlantic! Hope everyone is well in the Falkland Islands! I have a few ideas, questions and suggestions that may be useful to the Islands development and security as a whole, so I thought it might be worth mentioning on here: 1. Strategically speaking Port Stanley is on the coast, therefore (like in 1982) vulnerable to a quick attack / invasion and as the Islands capital, it makes Port Stanley a prime target for any aggressive nation such as Argentina to try capture asap (although now with the Mount Pleasant complex it is unlikely that any hostile force would even set foot on the Falklands, it’s still worth a mention that it could happen) 1.1 - So is it worth considering creating a new capital in the middle of East Falkland? - This would open up the camp. - Increase security because as a new capital it would be a significant distance from the coast. (Many nations have done this and found it useful to their national security) 2 - Also, in building a new capital you could design it so that it could become one of the world’s first truly sustainable towns / cities (personally I suggest looking into strawbale technology for house building, they are, (if built correctly) more energy efficient than pretty much any other house design on the market, very robust, fire proof (I know, hard to believe, but it’s been tested by the Australian fire services!) they are fast to build, long lifespan (the original ones in the U.S. are still standing and in good condition, 150+ years old) rats and mice have no interest in it, since there is no food value or cavities for shelter and once rendered they can look like a modern 21 century flat….or an old English cottage depending on what you fancy, plus strawbales have even been used to build huge libraries on university campuses, so all in all, a good material to work with. I understand this would present a huge challenge for the Falkland Islands to achieve and I understand Port Stanley has been the capital for a long time and is in the hearts of the kelpers but in the long run it may be of value, both militarily and economically to set up an inland capital......just a thought. What do you guys think about this? Any thoughts? All the best, Ben.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 21:22:52 +0000

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